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Christmas 2020 projects

November and December were busy months for us.  We were stitching and sewing for our linked charities (MK Act – Women’s Refuge, YMCA Milton Keynes, British Red Cross MK  and Works for us).   We made lots of Christmas sacks and filled them with toys and sweets to give to the families staying at  the Women’s Refuge and of the families with The British Red Cross to help them celebrate Christmas, especially this year, in these difficult times. Below are just a few examples of what we have been up to.

Xmas sacks for toys and sweetsTartan Xmas sacksSelection of Xmas sacks

In fact, the manager of the Women’s refugee asked us where we had bought the lovely sacks as she wanted to get some more and was very impressed when we said our members had made them all.

And whilst we could not cook our usual annual Christmas meal at the new YMCA facility, instead, out newest member, Lois cooked up 30 Chicken curry meals and other members contributed cakes and chocolates and we dropped them off.