Welcome to our club!
This year 2020/21 we are working in a new and flexible way that is more inclusive of all our members. Without an incoming President we have taken the opportunity to have a more collaborative approach with a small co-ordinating executive team of members willing to take on lead roles. These leads work with other members to involve more members in the running of the club and enable newer members to learn alongside more experienced members. All members are involved in shaping and taking action on our projects.
Officers 2020/21:
Secretary: Jean Golding
Treasurer: Helen Piddock-Jones
Programme Action Officer: Marian Wade
Membership Officer: Nancy Lowe
Communications Leads: Caroline Marsh & Jacquie Weatherill
Social Secretary: Anne Thompson
Club Development Officer: Kath Lewis
Friendship Links Lead: Gill Palin
As we have been in lockdown since March, we are operating on a virtual basis, and we are looking forward to the time when we can get together with members face to face and have some ‘real’ meetings, events and direct action. However, there is a lot we can do now, and we are holding video meetings, we have written to our MP asking him to support the Domestic Abuse Bill in parliament, making masks for the public to raise funds for our long standing charities Cheshire Without Abuse and Nantwich Foodbank as well as spending time socialising on a virtual basis and supporting each other