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President Joyce Message – Week Five

Good Morning Sister Soroptimists,

Another glorious morning here.
I know there are some grim things happening in the World and it’s hard not to be worried about what we see around us. Despite the gloom, I hope you are able to have a peaceful Sunday.

Some of our sisters have had recent bereavements and are grieving. I send my sympathy at this sad time.

I also send my renewed thanks to all those who are continuing to work, some on the front line and who put themselves in danger every day. Included here are any teachers who have constantly worked in schools only open for children of NHS staff and other key workers with little or no PPE.
You are true Soroptimist heroes!

It has been lovely to hear from some of you during the past week and to know that you continue to do amazing work against all the odds!
In fact there is so much to share with you, some news will have to wait until next week!

SI Tynemouth, Whitley Bay and District
• Are supporting Harbour Women’s Refuge by donating fresh fruit and vegetables and also toiletries.
• Those who are able are shopping, cooking, posting letters/parcels, sending flowers for vulnerable members, family and neighbours.
• Knitting, sewing and crocheting – blankets for Sierra Leone; hats, gloves and scarves for the homeless and cannula sleeves for tiny babies in hospital
• Knitting Lighthouse Toilet Roll Holders to sell for their current Toilet Twinning Project

More next week.
• Jane Katsambis of SI Durham is in touch with the Managers of Bishop Auckland Women’s Refuge to ascertain their needs and to either provide supplies or cash

• Jane also told me a little more about the Big Give Fundraising for Chorachori, [Nepal] – funds have been used for the immediate crisis of starvation. Women and children have very little food as their men are unable to return from India where they go to work. Donations can be made at Just Giving.

• Stockton Club’s new President Sue, in a video message, has asked members to send Thank You cards to staff of all Care Homes in their area and hoped also for donations of hand cream for the carers there.
• Julie of SI Stockton displays her gang of ‘Heroes’ which she is knitting, with more to come.

• Stockton has also discovered Teesside Scrub Hub, only set up 10 days ago and now with 150 volunteer sewers making scrubs, masks, laundry bags and headbands. Investigations are proceeding as to how members can help as the Hub is apparently overwhelmed with requests for supplies.

• SI Cockermouth’s members are participating in the 2.6 Challenge, and today, [the day on which the London Marathon should have taken place], their President, Judith, is walking around her paddock 26 times! Their efforts will raise funds for Hospice at Home West Cumbria which provides nursing care for terminally ill patients.

Your Regional Officers are planning a SKYPE meeting as it will probably not be possible to meet as we usually do in the Grand at Seaburn.

I have also enjoyed hearing from members who, like me, walk every morning and have described what they are seeing on their walks. Although I am sure they could not match the long blonde wig which I found discarded on the grass verge!
No ladies, I left it where it was, even though it might come in useful before too long!!!

By now, most of your Clubs will have held Annual General Meetings, one way or another, and there will be new Presidents and perhaps different Officers. I would like to thank retiring Presidents for their service and wish them a quiet and relaxing time free from their responsibilities. To new Presidents, and those who are continuing in office, I hope that you enjoy an excellent year, even though we are in the midst of this emergency. SINE Clubs are innovative and will find a way of moving forward.

Clubs will have received an appeal from UKPAC to support the Domestic Abuse Bill which is to go through Parliament on Tuesday next. Please respond by writing to your MPs requesting that they support the amendments to the Bill.There is a suggested letter attached to the email for you to adapt.

Again, I hope to hear from some of you during the next week.

In Friendship,