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President Joyce Message – Week Six

Good Morning Sister Soroptimists.

It is hard to believe that this is the sixth of my weekly emails, time is flying and we are into May already.

I am happy to tell you that Bethan, our Website Co-ordinator, has been working on the new version of the SINE website and all five of my previous messages, with photographs, have been added. Please take a look at the improvements she has made, with more to come.

It is always a pleasure to hear from you and pass on your news and I was delighted to receive an email this week from Cheryl Burnie of SI Sunderland,  the wife of Brian Burnie the founder of DAFT AS A BRUSH charity. I was privileged to hear Brian speak at our September 2017 Regional Council Meeting when he told us of his plans.

Cheryl and Brian have allowed me to share this with you. 

As you will recall, Brian set out on his epic journey to walk 7,000 miles around the coast of our islands, together with the Bluebell Bus. His aim being to bring free cancer patient transport nationwide. He began his journey in March 2018. Sadly, because of COVID-19, his walk was halted when he reached Torquay after 5126 miles. Fortunately, Bluebell bus and trailer etc. are parked safely in Plymouth, and Brian and Cheryl made it home just before Lockdown began. 

But Brian is unstoppable and has decided to resume his walk around the perimeter of Daft as a Brush House and [STOP PRESS] has just been given permission to walk the perimeter of Newcastle City Golf Club; so he will slowly but surely complete the remaining 1874 miles. Cheryl hopes to accompany him some of the way. What an extraordinary man Brian is, I am in awe!      Link:>>   Daft As A Brush     

 We all wish them well.


More news from Clubs

SI Carlisle members have been extremely busy making scrub bags for nurses uniforms. 30 have been dispatched to a hospital in Wales. The same hospital has requested scrub hats and a pink duvet cover is being used to make them – the production line is in full swing. For any members wanting to copy this, Google ‘Humming Bird Scrub Hats’ for pattern and instructions.

Jess Sinclair has also commenced work on pairs of crocheted HEARTS sharing love between patient and relative and easing mental stress for nurses who deliver them.

SI Tynemouth, Whitley Bay & District members continue to make bags for the children in the care of Great North Children’s Hospital, Oncology Department – Beads of Courage bags for the collection of beads awarded after individual treatments and wiggly bags which are used to hold chemotherapy lines and equipment during treatment. 

President Louise has sent thank you cards to all the Care Homes in Whitley Bay to support the staff in continuing to care for the sick and elderly in these difficult times. Members are also making rainbows for their windows [see photo] and putting teddies there for children to spot.


SI Cockermouth & District joined the 2.6 Challenge to support Hospice at Home – doing so many different things, 26 dances, 26 runs, plus walking 26 laps of gardens. Jane Inman has made 26 packs of 4 greetings cards from her original watercolours ; A5 size for a donation of at least £10. The impressive total raised to date is £800. Quite brilliant!


SI Stockton-on-Tees – Julie has finished 20 bags for the Teesside Scrub Hub and her Hero Army has expanded to include Captain Tom and a Soroptimist. All of this was reported in the Northern Echo this week with photographs. [two of which are here].


Cris Young [SI Newcastle] has sent me a Quiz for you,  just in case you have any spare minutes!! It is to guess North East Towns and Villages. She will supply me with the answers for next week’s message.   See at bottom of post.


I would like to suggest that you send details of Club work during COVID-19 to  she may use them in the Friday Bulletin – SOROPTIMISTS IN LOCKDOWN – WORKING TO SUPPORT LOCAL COMMUNITIES. In addition, please don’t forget to record your activities on the Programme Focus Database. 

Let’s shout it from the rooftops that Soroptimists continue to give service against the odds!!

Thank you to everyone for your contributions and all of your efforts. Please keep the news coming. I would hate to run out of material.

Something to recommend – you must remember Max Boyce, Welsh comedian and rugby fanatic? Hilary Clavering told me about a Corona Virus poem he had written and recorded – WHEN JUST THE TIDE WENT OUT. It is easy to find on you tube Link: >>  When Just The Tide Went Out  and well worth listening to if you haven’t already heard it. [Brought tears to my eyes, anyway].

To close – Remember – People will forget what you said; People will forget what you did;

But people will never forget how you made them feel  – [Maya Angelou]


 In Friendship,




And now for the Quiz ..........

Northeast towns or villages
1. Glimpse a pig ………………………………………………………………..
2. A beautiful river crossing ………………………………………………………………..
3. A heavy sheep ………………………………………………………………..
4. Biro by the sea ………………………………………………………………..
5. Overweight sweetheart ………………………………………………………………..
6. Farmer puts animals in meadow ………………………………………………………………..
7. Feeling sorry for myself ………………………………………………………………..
8. No urinating allowed ………………………………………………………………..
9. Not old and not small ………………………………………………………………..
10. Funny fire ………………………………………………………………..
11. To use on hair ………………………………………………………………..
12. Church member in New Zealand ………………………………………………………………..
13. Receipt for a lock opener ………………………………………………………………..
14. John boy ………………………………………………………………..
15. Ocean fire ………………………………………………………………..
16. The centre rabbits home ………………………………………………………………..
17. Fortification stops ………………………………………………………………..
18. Ordinary Liverpool ground ………………………………………………………………..
19. River mammal on fire ………………………………………………………………..
20. Question a young sheep ………………………………………………………………..