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Presidents Weekly Message – Week Thirty-Six

Good Morning Soroptimist Sisters,

This week saw the beginning of the 16 Days of Action; I should not need to complete that sentence as you all know what the action is for!.

I have been so impressed by the mass postings on Facebook and Twitter by Clubs in SINE – flooding the medium with ORANGE. There have been some innovative images and visions, well done to all of you.

It was good to hear what three clubs are doing to promote this time at our Regional Council Meeting on GoTo yesterday. Thank you to all who attended.

I was invited to join SI Newcastle upon Tyne Club’s meeting this week and to hear their speaker, Niamh Stroud, a trainer for Domestic Violence Champions who work in the West End of Newcastle. You may remember that the Club provided the Champions with Hoodies and their project was shortlisted for the SINE Reach for the Skies Award this year. These Domestic Violence Champions are young people, aged between 11 and 25 getting involved in the fight against Domestic Violence and 200 young women have been trained. Naturally the Covid-19 crisis has impacted on their work; they are unable to to go into schools for example. Newcastle Soroptimists have close links with Domestic Violence Champions; they will attend their AGM and are looking for further ways to be involved. Niamh said how proud the women are to wear their hoodies, making them feel part of something special. The remainder of the meeting concerned, PA updates, Christmas Bags to  the Joseph Cowan Centre, press release sent for the 16 Days of Action etc. There is much I could tell you about Angels but this will have to wait until they are ready to fly! [In a future message] but I attach a photo of an ORANGE angel,  especially knitted for the 16 Days by Patricia Gatherum.  Newcastle’s mascot – Catherine – will be also used in publicity for promotion at this time. 

Thank you Newcastle members for allowing me to join your meeting.

Last week I told you about the charity which SI Stockton-on-Tees is supporting, A WAY OUT. During the 16 Days of Action, members are collecting toiletries, clothing, selection boxes and other items which will be delivered on 11 December. President Sue is pictured with some of the offerings so far .

SI Penrith ladies have, as usual, been busy and I was impressed to see the Soroptimist wreath laid on their cenotaph  on Remembrance Sunday – a much curtailed event this year. Normally a number of members would take part in the parade from the Town Hall to St Andrew’s Church, but because of the restrictions, only one representative from each organisation was allowed to attend. It was very well organised in a safe way and one of their new members – Gail Gravett – laid the wreath on behalf of the Club. 

Two Penrith members, and some friends, have been busily knitting mitts for the homeless  which are to be donated to the Penrith branch of the Salvation Army and will be included in their Christmas parcels.

SI Middlesbrough members have planted 15 trees in Albert Park, Middlesbrough, this week. to celebrate the SI Centenary and also the 75th Anniversary of their Charter.  Provided by the Woodland Trust  they are a mix of three native  species chosen to thrive in urban environments.  Five each of Rowan, Hazel and Crab Apple.

I will have more news about tree planting in next week’s message.

Just look at this amazing array of teddies knitted by Kathy Warrick, also to celebrate SI Middlesbrough’s 75th Charter, and there are 75 of them! Destination unknown but no doubt they will find a home with children before too long.

You will remember that Barbara Brown of SI Darlington was awarded fifth prize in Nepal Project BIG STORY? Well, her story – HOLIDAY IN NICE – is now read on You Tube, read by an actress. It is well worth listening to.

My message is a little shorter this week as I have been making preparations for the RC Meeting, but I wish to say THANK YOU for providing me with so much news every week. Please keep it coming!

Until next week, Stay Safe, Keep Well,

In Friendship,