Weekly Message from Regional Presidents – Joyce and Christine – Week Thirty-Two
Weekly Message from Regional Presidents – Joyce and Christine – Week Thirty-Two
Good Morning Soroptimist Sisters. Last night, if all had been 'normal', we should have been in Belfast, where I would have handed over the Presidential Chain to Christine Lumsdon in the Change of Insignia ceremony. I am sad for Christine that she has not had that pleasure and could not be applauded by our SINE members who would have attended. As you will be aware, she has generously allowed me to share the Presidency with her until March 2021; so we are now Joint Presidents. She sends you the following: Greetings to all our Northern England Sisters - thank you for all your messages and support in these changing times. For the first time, we have a a Joint Regional Presidency between Joyce and myself for the next few months until March 2021. I hope that you will continue to send your news, photographs and messages