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SI Yorkshire Region Weekend

Several members of SI Richmond and Dales took part in the SI Yorkshire Region Weekend Away at The Jonas Centre last weekend. About 40 Soroptimists from all over the Yorkshire Region attended, most staying in the Jonas Centre lodge accommodation.  As we lived so close, our members were “day only” attendees.  It was an excellent opportunity to get to know members of other clubs, and renew contact with those we have not seen for a long time, due to the intervention of Covid restricting activities.  A relaxing change from our usual “business meetings”.

There was plenty time to chat or explore the Jonas Centre grounds, and share convivial meals together.  President Lindsay had also organised a number of workshops which were well supported, including guidance on usuing Social Media for publicity, jewellery making, felting and Zentangle mindful drawing.  Everyone also took a turn at preparing meals, setting and clearing tables and washing up. A jolly good time was had by all.

It also provided an opportunity to check up on the progress of the SI Richmond & Dales Tree which we donated for planting in the grounds at the Jonas Centre on behalf of “Soroptimists past, present and future”.

Jonas Centre
Jonas Centre
Lodge Accommodation
Lodge Accommodation
View from the Jonas Centre in Wensleydale
View from the Jonas Centre
Dinner Time
Dinner Time
Zentangle mindful drawing
Zentangle mindful drawing
Jewellery making
Jewellery making
Sharing the chores
Sharing the chores
SI Richmond & Dales Tree
SI Richmond & Dales Tree
Tree Plaque