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April and the AGM

Here is the update on our activities during April, which featured our AGM.

Annual General Meeting

Although much of an AGM is of a formal procedure, we began the meeting reflecting on the success of our International Women’s Day “Women of Richmond” Exhibition.  Members of the project team were invited to talk about their favourite featured lady, and why they had chosen them.

Business then continued with the voting in of the new Executive Committee, and the presentation of the Presidential Chain to our joint presidents for 2024-25.  The retiring PA officer presented the end of year report.  She reflected that – as always – when reviewing our year’s activities, it is always impressive how much we have achieved.  It is also notable that this year the raising of funds for charitable work is balanced by equal effort in awareness raising on a variety of issues.  Thanks were given to both retiring and continuing officers for their important work, and a 30 Years Service Certificate was presented to member Sandy Baxter.  We are fortunate to have several such long-standing members in the Club!

Plans for next year include a meeting at the Richmondshire Museum, which was started by members of SI Richmond & Dales, and is now celebrating its 50th Birthday.  We will also be holding a meeting at the Colburn Community Hub, with which we have worked for some years. We will also continue our working relationships with Richmond School and Spouse Force at Catterick Garrison. Our full programme for the year and list of officers is now available on the website under the ‘About our Club’ heading.

Sharing our Skills Students

We are delighted to congratulate our two recent Sharing our Skills students for the success of their project.  They held their ‘Walk to Support’ Family Help Darlington raised both awareness of this charity in the school and the town, and raised funds for their work.

Coffee Morning

On Thursday 25th April we held one of our Coffee Mornings at the Town Hall in Richmond to raised funds for our charity work.  Between serving refreshments, a raffle, tombola and stalls we made a total profit of £197:80.  This goes into the “charity pot” for our new year.