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Coffee Morning on November 5th

Coffee Morning on November 5th

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We held one of our Coffee Mornings at the Richmond Town Hall on November 5th.  These are always good fundraisers, as the Town Hall is made available to charities every Saturday and Thursday morning through the year at a very reasonable rental.  We always do 2 or 3 a year, and this is our second in 2022.  Despite poor weather, we had a good turnout of customers, who enjoyed their coffee or tea and biscuits.  They also participated in our Tombola and Raffle, and patronised the book and bric-a-brac stall, as usual.  Members were kept very busy meeting the demand for refreshments!  A total of £189 pounds was raised for our 2022 charities.  

Meeting in October

Meeting in October

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Mother & Baby Care in Ghana Our meeting in October was back at our usual home, the Holiday Inn, Scotch Corner, where we were treated to a fascinating illustrated talk from our member, Fiona Woods entitled ‘Making Every Mother and Baby Count’.  Fiona is a retired obstetrics and gynaecology consultant and has spent over 10 years as a volunteer assisting and mentoring projects in Ghana to support women in childbirth. As one of the team of an international organisation called Kybele, she acts as an adviser in maternal care and safe delivery; giving advice for treatments, training and being involved in introducing referral systems to Regional Hospitals.  Kybele is funded by grants from a British Hedge Fund, CIFF (Children’s Investment Foundation Fund). The charity works with local health organisations and the Ghana Health Service to improve services for mothers and their babies.  The plan is,

Town Hall Tea Dance

Town Hall Tea Dance

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SI Richmond and Dales put the tea in tea dance:  the club provided the raffle, tea, coffee and cake at the invitation of the band master for the first of what he hopes will be a series of tea dances at Richmond Town Hall during this winter.  Dances included the foxtrot, waltz, quickstep as well as the bossa nova.  Richmond Town Hall has seen many dances since it opened in 1756 and the club were pleased to be asked to provide the refreshments. We are delighted at the success of this first venture: we were able to raise a total of £122 for our charities from the sales of refreshments, donations, and a share of the ticket receipts.  Best wishes to Adrian Bramley for the further success of these events.

September Meeting

September Meeting

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Our September Meeting took place at the Colburn Community Centre, with a meal served by local volunteers.  These ladies usually provide meals at the Centre Cafe for local disadvantaged residents.  The Community Centre is also the base for the Colburn Food Share food bank, and members brought along donations for this service, which supports many local families and individuals in hardship.   This was our second visit to the Colburn Centre, and we were warmly welcomed again, and thanked for our donations of food and period products. The speakers for the meeting were Simon and Jo-ann Eastwood, who have created the Colburn Community Support Trust this year to provide assistance and advice services to the deprived Colburn area. They aim to provide a wealth of services for local individuals, families and businesses including financial advice, help with practical tasks such as benefit forms, job applications, CVs

Marrick Priory Outdoor Centre

Marrick Priory Outdoor Centre

Members of SI Richmond & Dales were recently entertained to a Strawberry Tea by the Friends of Marrick Priory Outdoor Centre, in Swaledale.  This was a ‘thank you’ for our donation of a bench and a set of water safety helmets for use by children on their outdoor experience kayaking sessions.  The tea was excellent, and members were pleased to be able to see the bench, complete with it’s plaque, in the garden of the centre.

July Monthly Meeting

July Monthly Meeting

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At our July Monthly Meeting we had Peter Russell, Education Officer of the Richmond and District Bee Keeper’s Association (RDBKA) as our speaker. Peter gave us a very entertaining talk, and a fascinating insight into the world of bees and beekeeping. We learned how the original Old British Bee became extinct a century ago as a result of a virus and how the species we have now were imported from elsewhere to become established in the UK. As an organisation working to empower women and girls and give them a stronger voice in all communities globally, it was especially gratifying to hear how a bee colony functions and thrives as a female dominated society! Crucially, the honey bee is the only pollinator available in the early spring to pollinate early crops and as such is essential to our food production. New Member We had a

Presentation to The Friends of Garget-Walker House

Presentation to The Friends of Garget-Walker House


On Tuesday two of our members visited Garget-Walker House Dementa Care Centre in Richmond for the presentation to The Friends of Garget-Walker House of a Bistro Table and Chairs set.  This was assembled and placed in the garden of the day care centre for the use of people suffering from Dementia.  The present was warmly received by the members of The Friends charity, which raises money to support the work of the Dementia Day Care Centre.

SI Yorkshire Region Weekend

SI Yorkshire Region Weekend

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Several members of SI Richmond and Dales took part in the SI Yorkshire Region Weekend Away at The Jonas Centre last weekend. About 40 Soroptimists from all over the Yorkshire Region attended, most staying in the Jonas Centre lodge accommodation.  As we lived so close, our members were “day only” attendees.  It was an excellent opportunity to get to know members of other clubs, and renew contact with those we have not seen for a long time, due to the intervention of Covid restricting activities.  A relaxing change from our usual “business meetings”. There was plenty time to chat or explore the Jonas Centre grounds, and share convivial meals together.  President Lindsay had also organised a number of workshops which were well supported, including guidance on usuing Social Media for publicity, jewellery making, felting and Zentangle mindful drawing.  Everyone also took a turn at preparing

Tea Dance to be held in Richmond Town Hall

Tea Dance to be held in Richmond Town Hall


We will be serving refreshments and running a raffle at a Tea Dance to be held in Richmond Town Hall on September 25th.  This is the first of what is hoped to be a number of these events, being run by Adrian Bramley and his orchestra.  The raffle profits and a share of the ticket money will be donated to one of our current charities.  If you fancy taking to the floor for a whirl, the details and tickets are available on