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May Meeting & Programme for 2021-22

May Meeting & Programme for 2021-22

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At the Zoom May Meeting our new President Sharon Hanson-Cooper presented her programme for 2021-22.  This is published on the Club Website under About Our Club, together with the new list of  Club Officers, and our Friendship Links.  We will be having an interesting mix of social, informational and programme action based meetings and events, as we continue to support Just The Job, and our SI Harare friends in Zimbabwe.  As the Covid crisis rolls back towards “normal life”, we hope to be able to meet physically instead of via Zoom soon. and options are being explored for a suitable location.  We also hope to restart our long-running “Sharing Our Skills” project in the New Year, in association with Richmond School.  We congratulate two of our former “SOS” students on recent achievements: Becky Potts has achieved a place at Leeds University to do a Masters

Update on Chikupo School

Update on Chikupo School


We have an update on Chikupo School in Zimbabwe which we have been assisting through SI Harare.   We received these photos from the Head of Chikupo School, showing their new veg plot where they grow vegetables for the local community. It’s good to see the hosepipe with water pouring out. We sent money towards their new water supply, as they’ve suffered badly in recent droughts.  The Headmaster said “you played a big role in the project and we will always be grateful”.

Steak and Kidney Pies

Steak and Kidney Pies


  A special donation:  the club decided to bring a little treat to the families using the foodbank housed at the Village Hall in Colburn.  Angie who runs the project told club members that Fray Bentos steak and kidney pies are regarded as a luxury by it’s customers. They are not bought by the foodbank because the pies cost more than the foodbank limit per item.  The club therefore contributed 8 meat pies, plus another 3 vegan and vegetarian ones for those with particular needs.  They were quickly snapped up!

Annual General Meeting by Zoom

Annual General Meeting by Zoom


SI Richmond and Dales met for their formal Annual General Meeting by Zoom this month.  After such a difficult year, it was good to be able to reflect on the things we have managed to achieve despite lockdowns, remote meetings and social distancing.  Our outgoing Presidents Faye and Jane highlighted: Generous foodbank contributions for the Storehouse foodbank, Richmond, including baby bundles Donations for SI Harare, forwarded by Western Union Curtilage Awareness Raising in August and Just the Job fundraising Successful fundraising refreshment stall at the Open Garden at Mr. Yorke’s Walled garden in aid of Just the Job Guest speakers on Zoom, Steve Biggs from Just the Job, Andy Wilson from Yorkshire Cancer Research, and our own Babs Hunt Participation in 16 days of Activism, Orange the World – Action against Gender Based Violence on line and at our November Meeting where the screen had a

Donations to Colburn Foodbank

Donations to Colburn Foodbank


Past President Sue Young asked members if they could make donations to Colburn Food Bank.  Sue had heard they were looking for extra food, household and clothing donations, during her activities as  Trustee for Colburn Library, as part of CRACCL (Catterick, Richmond and Colburn Community Library).  Members rallied round, and Sue has now delivered our donations.  She sent the following: ‘Thank you to all members who took the time to donate a wide variety of food and other items for the Colburn foodbank.  Angie, who runs the project, was very grateful for our fast response at a time when demand for their goods has risen as COVID impacts on household finances.”

March Club Meeting via Zoom

March Club Meeting via Zoom


March Club Meeting ‘Visitors’ SI Richmond & Dales met for it’s March meeting via Zoom on Thursday 16th. Presidents Faye and Jane started the meeting by sending welcoming our ‘visitors’ – Linda Davis, Yorkshire Regional President and Janette Black & Stella Reynolds from our Friendship Link Club Easter Ross.  It was lovely to see them, even if it was virtual.   Linda Davis spoke about her experience of  her Presidency during lockdown.  She is keeping in touch with Zoom, which – though not ideal – is better than no contact. She hopes that we will be able to have come kind of face-to-face activity during the summer. A ‘proper’ Regional Council Meeting in July is a possibility, and Linda told us to wait and see for details of an event, as soon as confirmation is available.  September RCM has been booked at the Holiday Inn.  Sadly,

February Zoom Meeting

February Zoom Meeting

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Monthly Meeting Speaker SI Richmond and Dales met for its monthly Zoom Meeting on 21st February. We were joined by Andy Wilson of  Yorkshire Cancer Research  who gave us a fascinating talk on the origins, history and current work in Cancer Research.  Yorkshire Cancer Research began with a campaign to promote improved cancer surgery techniques in the 19th Century, and in the 20th century pioneered two ground-breaking drugs, the profits from which continue to support their current work.  Their focus is now on improving cancer care in Yorkshire, with more pioneering work in developing and running mobile diagnostic, testing and advice services across a range of common cancers, as well as clinical research.   For example, there is an exceptionally high incidence of lung cancer in parts of Yorkshire.  Old industrial urban areas of deprivation are sadly associated with higher incidence of smoking – and hence

January Meeting via Zoom

January Meeting via Zoom

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Just the Job Talk At our recent January Meeting via Zoom, we were pleased to welcome representatives of Just The Job, the local charity helping educationally challenged people into work in horticulture. They shared pictures of their work via Zoom, and talked about the plans they are hoping to progress for new purpose built environmentally friendly premises, ‘The Big Green Build’, on land close to their current centre of operations in a unit on the Gallowfields Industrial Estate.  They have been given land on a long lease at a peppercorn rent by the Zetland Estate for their innovative new timber-built premises.     Richmond 950 Just beyond this is the area set aside for the planting of a new community woodland.  Just The Job will be planting  The Rufus Wood (as it will be known) as part of Richmond 950.  This project celebrates 950 years

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas


  SI Richmond & Dales held their December “Zoom Get-Together” this week, in place of our usual Christmas dinner.  We raised a glass and gave a round of applause for the presentation of long service awards to a number of our members: 2 for 20 years, 1 for 25 years, 1 for 30 years, and 2 for 35 years.  Congratulations to all, and thank you for your exemplary service to Soroptimism.  We shared cards received from our Swiss Friendship link, and one of our charities, and enjoyed a quiz presented by our joint presidents, Faye Doorbar and Jane Priestley.  Fittingly, the winner of the quiz was one of our longest long service award winners. For anyone who wishes to try it, here is the Quiz (the answers are below).  Faye and Jane have also shared the e-Christmas card which we are sending to our Regional

IDAS and 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence

IDAS and 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence

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IDAS Launches Website for UN Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women & Girls IDAS is the largest specialist charity in Yorkshire supporting people affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence, and is supported by Soroptimist Clubs in the Yorkshire Region.  We are publicising the IDAS website as part of our awareness raising for the SIGBI 16 Days of Activism against Gender based Violence taking place between 25 November and 10 December.  Over the next 16 days, this special IDAS website will focus on 16 different types of abuse that are experienced by women and girls across the UK.  It tell the stories of survivors, many of whom have been supported by IDAS, shining a light on the different types of abuse and violence.