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Regional Meeting – Aberdeen 2015.

Over forty delegates attended the September Regional Meeting held at Aberdeen Cricket Club.

The first half of the morning was taken up by the AGM and Regional Council meeting.

 Scotland North Executive 2014-5
Scotland North Executive 2014-5


The second half was a very productive session: delegates divided into two smaller groups: 1. Programme Action  2. Membership issues.

The Programme Action group was facilitated by PA Chair Billie. PAO’s from the SN clubs outlined their work plans for the year and shared  their PA experiences .

The Membership Session was facilitated by Region Membership Officer, Jean. Similarly clubs shared their plans and experiences – good and bad.

The speakers organised by SI Aberdeen were excellent. Sherriff Alison Stirling presented a pilot scheme that was about to get underway in the Aberdeen area . These would be special courts that would deal with low grade prolific offenders; the courts would offer community sentencing and rehabilitation rather than custodial sentencing. It was hoped that this would have a more positive effect on the woman and her family.

Lesley Simpson and Karaina Fyfe spoke with enthusiasm and compassion about their work with offenders at a Centre for Offenders in the city.

The afternoon ended with a question and answer session which was much appreciated by the delegates.

Thanks go to SI Aberdeen for hosting the event and arranging such interesting speakers.