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Rockdale Garden Party September 2023

ROCKDALE 1948 – 2023

On Monday 4th September, a glorious early autumn day, seven members of SI Sevenoaks joined residents
and guests for a “forties” themed garden party to mark seventy five years of Rockdale retirement centre.
As usual the grounds looked immaculate.
Speeches were made by Rockdale Chairman Ian Grattidge, Sevenoaks Mayor Claire Shea{included in our
group photo} and the High Sheriff of Kent, Nadra Ahmed. Tea and cakes were served and musical
entertainment provided by Henry’s Big Band.
As pointed out in his speech by Mr Grattidge, our club has a special connection with Rockdale, since it
was established by Beatrice Wilson, a founder member of SI Sevenoaks. It is our privilege to hold our
monthly meetings in the room which bears her name.

Pauline Payne {President SI Sevenoaks)