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Clothes for Gatwick Detainees

Clothes for Gatwick Detainees


SI Sevenoaks have been collecting small and medium men’s clothes to support the Gatwick Detainees.  These asylum seekers arrive with very little and we are pleased to be able to support them with jumpers and other items.  We have a link through our former member, Beverley, and she kindly collected 4 bags of clothes on 3rd January. Sandie Higgs Programme Action Officer SI Sevenoaks

SI Sevenoaks Orange the World – UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

SI Sevenoaks Orange the World – UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women


Orange the World – UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls 25th November 2023 “SI Sevenoaks have been Oranging the World again, this month at the Bullfinch pub in Riverhead, Sevenoaks – they kindly let us in early for coffee and we could serve our own cakes!  We wanted to make this one special as it is the actual UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.  We had extra balloons and posters and most of the members and guests who attended are pictured here enjoying a friendly chat and, of course, the cake!  We left posters and leaflets for the staff and other guests at the pub; we are hopeful that the Bullfinch Social Media Manager will put an item on their website to help spread the word!” Club Member Programme Action Officer Sandie




SI SEVENOAKS CELEBRATE CAMFED’S SUCCESS! SI Sevenoaks have been supporting CAMFED, the charity which supports the education of girls in Africa, for many years now.  We have been lucky to have Valerie Caton in our club; until recently she was a trustee of CAMFED and has always given us regular updates about the work of this wonderful charity.   We were delighted to hear that the highly influential commentator Nicholas Kristof and the New York Times have just made CAMFED their top recommended non profit to support.  See the piece below: CAMFED named as a top cause to support this giving season In the New York Times on 18th November 2023, Pulitzer Prize winner Nicholas Kristof names CAMFED as a top cause to support this giving season. “Of the dozens of nonprofits I’ve recommended, CAMFED is the top audience favorite […]” – Nicholas Kristof, New York Times This year’s ‘greatest hits’ version of Kristof’s annual holiday gift guide highlights the top causes




MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING On Friday 29th September SI Sevenoaks held a coffee morning in aid of the Macmillan Cancer charity. Our hostess, Sandie Higgs, made us very welcome and those present, some forty members and guests, were able to enjoy her lovely lakeside garden on a beautiful late summer’s day. Special thanks go to incoming Regional President Alison and SI Bromley for helping us raise the grand total of £556.

Rockdale Garden Party September 2023

Rockdale Garden Party September 2023


ROCKDALE 1948 – 2023 On Monday 4th September, a glorious early autumn day, seven members of SI Sevenoaks joined residents and guests for a “forties” themed garden party to mark seventy five years of Rockdale retirement centre. As usual the grounds looked immaculate. Speeches were made by Rockdale Chairman Ian Grattidge, Sevenoaks Mayor Claire Shea{included in our group photo} and the High Sheriff of Kent, Nadra Ahmed. Tea and cakes were served and musical entertainment provided by Henry’s Big Band. As pointed out in his speech by Mr Grattidge, our club has a special connection with Rockdale, since it was established by Beatrice Wilson, a founder member of SI Sevenoaks. It is our privilege to hold our monthly meetings in the room which bears her name. Pauline Payne {President SI Sevenoaks)

Club Members enjoy Historical Walk of Otford

Club Members enjoy Historical Walk of Otford


SI Sevenoaks were looking forward to a planned historical walk of Otford – a pretty village just north of Sevenoaks.  Member Valerie Caton had organised it and member Margaret Nicholson, an Otford resident, had prepared an informative talk for us.   We went ahead with our walk, even though it was raining hard as we set off!  Undaunted, we followed Margaret, trying not to spike each other with our umbrellas, and had a really interesting  time, including learning some hitherto unknown facts about the duck pond and the Royal Palace there.  We spent a little time in the pretty church of St Bartholomew and finished up in the Olive Branch Café, which is part of the Hospice of Hope charity shop in Otford High Street, where we enjoyed some more chat and a delicious cream tea!  The photo shows us in the field in front of

Remarkable Club Member Tina fostering children

Remarkable Club Member Tina fostering children


SI Sevenoaks club member Tina Fenner has been fostering desperate asylum-seeking children for over 20 years; she has fostered more than 30 youngsters during that time, some for 2 years or more.  The children, girls as well as boys, often arrived at Tina’s home traumatised and scared, sometimes with no reading or writing skills and no spoken English.  Tina has provided sanctuary, care and support including teaching them literacy skills and has seen her young charges go on to successful and worthwhile lives.  One young woman, who had been trafficked, needed to stay with Tina beyond her 18th birthday, which the authorities permitted, to enable her to overcome the trauma.  Tina is still in touch with her as she is with many of the others.  Here she is redecorating one of the bedrooms in her Sevenoaks home for the next young asylum seeker. Tina only

Visit to Rockdale Sevenoaks Garden

Visit to Rockdale Sevenoaks Garden


SI Sevenoaks have a special relationship with the Rockdale Centre, a wonderful facility in Sevenoaks combining housing for the elderly with assisted living and residential care. Rockdale is set in the heart of Sevenoaks but has extensive gardens to which the residents have access. SI Sevenoaks are privileged to meet there, in part due to one of our founders, Beatrice Wilson, being a prime mover in setting up Rockdale back in 1948. To celebrate 75 years, the Rockdale Management invited members to a guided tour of the grounds, which have many features and wonderful plants, followed by a chance to view residents’ art and craft work, and some tea and delicious cake! Eight SI Sevenoaks members attended, led by President Pauline Payne (in the centre of our picture); our new Town Mayor Cllr Claire Shea and other Councillors were also in the party together with

Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts (SDAC) – How Special Are They?  

Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts (SDAC) – How Special Are They?  


Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts (SDAC) – How Special Are They? Starting in 2017, the aim of this project is to provide an independent review across England of how Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts should be improved for victims of abuse, the majority of whom are women. The project has been carried out by Soroptimists across England and involved c4,000 hours of volunteer time in observations and in excess of 1,000 questionnaires were submitted in relation to observations made at over 30 courts. The final report (of four) is now available and the collective reports together come very close to being a comprehensive report on the way in which the Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts are working on a national basis. Soroptimists stand up as advocates for all women, especially for those who have no voice. We have worked as independent observers to give the public confidence in our courts, but