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Idyllic setting for gusty President’s Lunch

President Angela chose the idyllic setting of Queen’s Eyot for her Charter Lunch this year and 69 members and guests enjoyed a beautiful venue and a delicious three course meal.  Unfortunately the weather did not play ball and it was a very windy crossing from the river bank to the island which gave the crew a few worrying moments and the movement of the marquee made an interesting accompaniment to the speeches too.  However the whole occasion was quite delightful and enjoyable.  David Oldcorn proposed the toast to Soroptimist International to which past Regional President Penny Dmoch responded.  President Elect Pamela proposed a toast to the Guests and the Keynote Speakers told the audience about he Kori Project which they had undertaken in Sierra Leone which now encompasses a library and micro credit loans to more than 500 women.

President Angela presented a cheque for £1500 to one of her charities:  Alzheimer’s Dementia Support Penny QR

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