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Inspiring SIGBI Annual Conference

GlasgowSix members of the club attended the Annual Conference held this year in the remarkable Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre in Glasgow affectionately known locally as the Armadillo!  This year was truly inspirational with a swathe of remarkable speakers.  The opening morning provided Jo Fairley (the founder of Black & Green chocolate), Dame Stella Rimington (first woman director of MI5) and Sarah Montague of the Today programme talking about their careers and lives.  In addition HRH  Princess Anne dropped in to talk about Save The Children and accept a cheque from the Disaster Appeal.  The three speakers also took part in a panel which was deftly chaired by past Federation President Joan Smythe when they answered a mix of questions sent in by members.  A fabulous morning and a great start.

The afternoon was devoted to the Annual Meeting and the choice of Federation Project which is the Meru Women’s Garden Project.  On Saturday we heard from Justice Rowan Downing about his work regarding the Trial of war criminals in Cambodia and then Andrew Bevan of International Justice Mission UK talking about the billion plus people in the world who have no access to justice because of violence, corruption,  prejudice and poverty.  This was very moving in particular the stories of those who live in perpetual slavery for themselves and their children.  Happily he told us about many who had been rescued because of International Justice Mission but it is grim to think of the many millions still waiting for a better life.

International President Yvonne brought greetings from New Zealand and demonstrated a remarkable Maori cloak made of feathers and full of symbolism and then Olivia Giles of 500 miles talked about the organisation she has founded to provide prosthetic limbs to individuals in need in developing countries.  Olivia herself lost her legs and hands as a result of developing a devastating form of meningitis fourteen years ago when she was a successful lawyer in Edinburgh.    We were lost in admiration for her spirit and her determination.  We also heard about club projects and the work being undertaken all around the Federation.  There is much to be done to combat Modern Day Slavery particularly affecting girls being trafficked from Nepal following the dreadful earthquake and the devastation caused there but also all around the globe including towns much more local to our club.  The conference was very well organised and provided much food for thought and hopefully action as well as making us look forward to meeting again in Malta in November 2016