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Zooming around the world in orange

On Saturday club members linked up with their Friendship Link clubs in Amsterdam Amstel and Georgetown Tasmania in a very special three-way chat.  The meeting was held to highlight the Fight to Eliminate Violence Against Women by wearing orange.  Participants discussed the various activities that were under way to combat this scourge.  All three clubs support local Refuges and also plan to provide Christmas presents for the women currently living in a local Refuge.  Despite the difficulty of fundraising whilst in lockdown, all clubs have succeeded in raising funds for this incredibly important work.  items have been sold via ~EBay and surplus fruit has been made into jam and sold to friends and neighbours.  Club member Phyllis Sigsworth is donating the royalties on her book to DASH (Domestic Abuse Stops Here).

It was splendid to be able to see our Soroptimist sisters via video and of course we were able to catch up on the way the pandemic has affected everyone in our different countries so there was a great deal to discuss in our link up.