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Fiona MacTaggart MP talks about prostitution

Slough MP Fiona MacTaggart rushed from a Vote in the House of Commons on Wednesday  night in order to have supper with members prior to giving a thoughtful and interesting talk about Prostitution.  She emphasised that it is the exploitation of women mostly when they have no other means or know of no other means of surviving.  It is a violation against women.  Fiona has been campaigning for many years and would like to see the UK adopt what is known as the Nordic Model whereby men are prosecuted for using prostitutes instead of the women being prosecuted.  She is also greatly in favour of more education on relationships being provided in schools and in particular explaining how important it is to be able to say ‘No’.

Members were delighted to welcome Fiona as well as a number of visitors from other clubs who all found the talk very thought provoking.