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Lunch in Hurley

Lunch in Hurley


Six members of the club joined members of SI HighWycombe to enjoy their Diamond Anniversary celebrations at the Old Bell in Hurley.  The special lunch was held in the Old Malthouse which has a charming garden which was enjoyed for pre lunch Pimms in the sunshine.  It was a great opportunity to meet up with old friends from around the Region and be entertained by  delightful piano music.  The speaker gave a fascinating talk about the many women who have worked in the secret services during the two world wars.

Inspiring Talk from Julie Siddiq MBE

Inspiring Talk from Julie Siddiq MBE


Julie has 25 years grassroots experience working with faith communities across the UK.  She has developed a diverse network across all sectors and has been responsible for initiating numerous projects and campaigns. Her passion is engaging with people from all backgrounds and she has a particular interest in working with women in faith communities.  Julie explained how she converted to being a Muslim when she met and married.  She now has four children and a busy family life.

Club welcomes new President

Club welcomes new President


At the AGM held on 17th April, Irene Brooks was welcomed as the President for 2024-25.  Outgoing President Jean Sinclair was thanked for her efforts during her year in office and presented with a beautiful orchid.  During the Business Meeting it was agreed to consider holding some meetings in member’s homes and to reinstate a printed programme for the year.

90 Books to celebrate 90 years

90 Books to celebrate 90 years


Dedworth Windsor Tesco book appeal for local schools. Club members donated 90 books to celebrate Federations 90th birthday. They were presented to the Tesco Community Champion, Jon Davey, on Saturday 2nd March 2024. Local schools will pick the books they want with any residual ones going to the Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice. Jackie Paling and club members Estlyn, Sally and Janette display some of the books.

Working at the Border

Working at the Border


Our speaker for the meeting on 21st February was Annette Maudsley of SI Liverpool.  Annette gave a fascinating presentation concerning her work with Stop the Traffik, her role as Safeguarding Officer for SIGBI and her working life within Border Control at London Heathrow Airport.  Annette showed great passion for her work but also compassion regarding the victims of abuse and the need to be permanently alert to all the issues surrounding modern day slavery.  The photo shows President Jean Sinclair with Annette

A busy December

A busy December


During December club members continued to help with the Tuesday Club at Age Concern Windsor and also ran a very successful Quiz which was not only enjoyed by the participants but raised over £350 for the Spencer Denny Centre.  Following that club members helped with the Christmas Fayre at the Centre and again raised funds for the activities organised by Age Concern Windsor. The club is now meeting regularly at the Spencer Denny Centre which has good facilities for speakers who wish to use Zoom and is also very comfortable. On 7th December the club celebrated Christmas with a splendid three course dinner at the Greene Oak  in Dedworth Windsor.  The food was extremely good and everyone had a great evening.  A raffle was run by Irene and Marylin with the funds raised being donated to DASH (Domestic Abuse Stops Here).  Club members have also

Uplifting talk from Jane Walker who has changed many lives

Uplifting talk from Jane Walker who has changed many lives


On Wednesday the club had its first meeting at the Spencer Denny Centre which is the home of Age Concern Windsor.  The meeting went well and it was agreed that this was a pleasant new venue.  One great advantage is a huge table so that everyone can sit together and communicate and also see the large screen which makes Zoom very acceptable. Our speaker (via Zoom) was Jane Walker who is truly remarkable.  21 years ago she was working for News International and uncertain as to whether her future lay in the print media industry.  She took some time out and travelled to the Philippines to consider her options.  She had heard about people living on rubbish dumps so asked a taxi driver to take her to one.  In fact she went to one of the largest near to Manila and she was stunned and

Soroptimists have been busy at local events

Soroptimists have been busy at local events


Club members took part in the Age Concern Windsor Fete on 15th July.  There were a variety of stalls selling plants and flowers, soft toys, books, bric-a-brac, and cakes and several others.  There were also games and a raffle.  Although the sudden downpours undoubtedly lowered the number of visitors, over £500 was raised. The next Tuesday club will be held on 1st August when members will again be volunteering to help with serving lunches and chatting to the clients. On Sunday 23rd July club members set up their stall at Maidenhead Festival amongst 60 other organisations.  Jewelry and candles were on sale together with raffle tickets.  There was a display relating to the club’s activities and plenty of leaflets available for prospective members.