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Update on Town Twinning

Update on Town Twinning


At the penultimate monthly meeting of her year in office, President Pamela was delighted to welcome Val Williams as a speaker.  Mrs Williams talked about Goslar which is twinned with Windsor & Maidenhead.  Goslar is situated in the Harz Mountains in North Germany and has established a very strong twinning relationship with the Royal Borough.  The photo shows President Pamela with Val and her husband.

Three special birthdays

Three special birthdays


During the past year three longstanding members of the club celebrated their eightieth birthdays so this certainly needed a celebration.  Also the Slough Child Contact Centre which is totally managed and operated by SI Slough Windsor and Maidenhead received its accreditation for a further three years so it was decided to have a party at Christmastime.  The photo shows the Birthday girls with their cakes.

Inspiring SIGBI Annual Conference

Inspiring SIGBI Annual Conference


Six members of the club attended the Annual Conference held this year in the remarkable Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre in Glasgow affectionately known locally as the Armadillo!  This year was truly inspirational with a swathe of remarkable speakers.  The opening morning provided Jo Fairley (the founder of Black & Green chocolate), Dame Stella Rimington (first woman director of MI5) and Sarah Montague of the Today programme talking about their careers and lives.  In addition HRH  Princess Anne dropped in to talk about Save The Children and accept a cheque from the Disaster Appeal.  The three speakers also took part in a panel which was deftly chaired by past Federation President Joan Smythe when they answered a mix of questions sent in by members.  A fabulous morning and a great start. The afternoon was devoted to the Annual Meeting and the choice of Federation Project

View of the Royal Collection with the Mayor

View of the Royal Collection with the Mayor


At the September Business meeting, President Pamela was delighted to welcome the Mayor of the Royal Borough, Councillor Dee Quick as a guest.  The speaker was Stephen Patterson who gave a talk about the Treasures of the Royal Collection which was very well received and interesting.  The photograph shows (L to R) President Pamela, Councillor Dee Quick and Stephen Patterson. .

Garden party indoors!

Garden party indoors!


Steady rain on Sunday 26th forced the annual garden party indoors for the first time in 20 years.  However by the greatest good fortune a wonderful venue was available for a last minute change and the event went ahead at Dorney Lake where all the guests enjoyed a delightful meal and had the opportunity to participate in the raffle, tombola and book stall whilst staying warm and dry.

Updating us on Magna Carta

Updating us on Magna Carta


Margaret Lenton is passionate about the Magna Carta and has been delighted to have succeeded in ensuring that the 800th anniversary of the sealing of the first Magna Carta has increased awareness of this vital document and its importance to us today.  She was a very special speaker at the monthly meeting and pointed out the far reaching effects that a very reluctant King John has had.  The USA and all the commonwealth countries incorporated  important elements of the Charter into their own Bills of Rights. Margaret also upset a few other myths about our medieval kings pointing out that King Richard I probably only spent about six months in England during his 10 year reign.  King John though was a thoroughly unpleasant person and seems to have deserved his poor reputation. The photograph shows Margaret with immediate past president Angela and a modern copy

Regional Meeting and Women’s Conference

Regional Meeting and Women’s Conference


The Regional Meeting of SI London Chilterns took place in St Albans on Saturday 20th June when several members of SI Slough attended. Forced Marriage was the topic for the morning – with keynote speaker Aneeta Prem, founder of the Freedom Charity The charity works to empower young people to feel they have the tools, confidence and support around the issues of family relationships which can lead to early and forced marriage and dishonour based violence. Aneeta has been on national TV recently covering these important human rights issues. Women and Engineering was the topic for the afternoon – Vanessa Diaz, Women’s Engineering Society(WES) Council member and an Engineer working in Medical Research gave us a fascinating and highly energetic insight to her work – she is like a human dynamo! It is National Women in Engineering Day on 23  –  Vanessa talked about the shockingly few women engineers

Specialists explain the risks of strokes

Specialists explain the risks of strokes


Club members were given a presentation about the activities of the new facility at Wexham Park Hospital dealing with strokes at the May business meeting.  The Unit is to be the charity supported by President Pamela this year and it was impressive to hear about the work undertaken at the unit.  Members were urged to remember that the first four hours following a stroke are vital in terms of having a good chance of a successful outcome for the patient.  Members were shown how to recognise the key symptoms of a stroke and told to summon medical help immediately. It was interesting to hear about the needs of the unit which particularly relate to providing more facilities for families and friends in the Day Room and Garden.  Members were able to see that funds raised for this charity will be very well used. President Pamela