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New Members Meeting

New Members Meeting


President Pamela and the Membership Committee were delighted to welcome their newest member to the club on 30th April when there was an opportunity to tell her about the history of the Soroptimist movement and the formation of the Slough Club in 1961.  The background of programme action and the work undertaken locally by the club was also explained whilst enjoying a glass of wine and nibbles.

Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting


At the Annual General Meeting on 15th April, incoming President Pamela took over from Immediate Past President Angela.  Angela spoke of her delight at achieving her fund raising target of £3000 which had enabled her to present significant cheques to her two charities:  Alzheimers Dementia Support and  Berkshire Search & Rescue Dogs. President Pamela thanked Past President Angela for a most successful year and introduced her programme and the charity which she had chosen for the year.

Idyllic setting for gusty President’s Lunch

Idyllic setting for gusty President’s Lunch


President Angela chose the idyllic setting of Queen’s Eyot for her Charter Lunch this year and 69 members and guests enjoyed a beautiful venue and a delicious three course meal.  Unfortunately the weather did not play ball and it was a very windy crossing from the river bank to the island which gave the crew a few worrying moments and the movement of the marquee made an interesting accompaniment to the speeches too.  However the whole occasion was quite delightful and enjoyable.  David Oldcorn proposed the toast to Soroptimist International to which past Regional President Penny Dmoch responded.  President Elect Pamela proposed a toast to the Guests and the Keynote Speakers told the audience about he Kori Project which they had undertaken in Sierra Leone which now encompasses a library and micro credit loans to more than 500 women. President Angela presented a cheque for

A busy month with two new members too!

A busy month with two new members too!


March has been busy with a Walk on International Women’s Day on 8th March as well as the usual monthly meeting on 18th March and preparations for the Annual Charter Lunch on 29th March. Two new members were introduced at the Business Meeting and this was followed by an inspiring talk about the Rivertime Boat Trust The Trust was formed to provide, operate and maintain a specially constructed boat for disabled and disadvantaged children and adults.  The talk covered the lengthy process of raising funding and ultimately building a suitable vessel and the pleasure it is now giving to its passengers.  An amazing vision. Members are also busy organising visits to two Friendship Link clubs:  Amsterdam Amstel in April and Vilnius Old Town in August. .

Update on Macmillan Support Services

Update on Macmillan Support Services


Members got a first hand update on the facilities that have been set up at Wexham Park Hospital to help support cancer sufferers and their families.  The flower shop at the entrance to the hospital has been transformed into a friendly area where advice and support can be provided.  Help will be on hand for dealing with many of the problems facing patients following diagnosis including help with financial issues as well as the medical and emotional problems. Two of the team from Macmillan Cancer Support gave an enthusiastic talk about their work and the difference Macmillan make to patients and their families. A cheque was presented to help with their wonderful work.

A glamorous Christmas Dinner at Dorney

A glamorous Christmas Dinner at Dorney


The theme for our Christmas Dinner this year was Midnight in Monte Carlo and all the members and their guests tried hard to match their outfits to the fabulous surroundings.  Following a sparkling reception everyone settled down to a superb three course dinner finishing up with mince pies and coffee.  The raffle raised over £150 which is destined to be sent to Sierra Leone to help deal with the ebola crisis.

Harrogate Conference

Harrogate Conference


Eleven members of the Club attended the SIGBI Conference in the renovated Harrogate Convention Centre this year.  In all there were some 1300 women from almost all the countries of the Federation so it was an international gathering with some wonderful head dresses brightening the scene.  The splendid opening ceremony when the flags of each of the participating nations were paraded was moving as always.  A particular highlight was the brass band accompaniment – a Yorkshire speciality of course. The three keynote speakers were very effective in quite different ways and there was plenty of information about the highlights of the Programme Action activities.  We heard about the problems that the ebola outbreak is causing in the Kori project in Sierra Leone and £7,500 was raised to enable rice and essential items to be sent out immediately.   President Angela represented the club at the

History of The Willows and a riverside setting for the Garden Party

History of The Willows and a riverside setting for the Garden Party


At the July meeting, one of the club members gave an illustrated talk about The Willows in Windsor which was once the home of the Dowager Duchess of Sutherland after the death of the third Duke.  Pat explained how the estate had changed between 1800 when the first house was built and now when the original property has been divided into many separate homes: all unique.  The talk was particularly pertinent as the Annual Garden Party was being held in the garden of one of the properties. The photo shows President Angela with club member Pat. The garden party was held on Sunday 20th July when over 50 members and friends enjoyed a delicious buffet lunch in the riverside garden.  Raffles, a book staff and a tombola helped raise funds for the Presidents two charities.