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Fund raising activities keep going during the winter

Fund raising activities keep going during the winter


The winter months have not deterred the Fund Raising Team from continuing to find fun ways of raising funds for the President’s Charity.  In November there was a great day out visiting the Christmas Market in Winchester and in  December there was carol singing and mulled wine.  January brought out a good crowd for a Beetle Drive.    The President’s Charity Fund has now topped £1,700. A coffee morning in aid of books to assist learning to read in Afghanistan was also held recently which raised over £100.  Jackie Paling has already bought some of the books but is looking forward to doing more on her next trip!

Brains of Maidenhead fight it out

Brains of Maidenhead fight it out


Over 60 contestants turned out for the Annual Quiz held in St Luke’s Hall.  Quizmaster Margaret created a tough set of 120 questions which kept everyone on their toes – to mix a few metaphors!  The fish and chips went down well and helped contestants to recharge their brains.  The winning team were delighted to receive a bottle of wine each and it was impressive that President Penny was in the team (pictured below). The event raised over £400 for the President’s charity.

Presenting cheque to the York Centre, Maidenhead

Presenting cheque to the York Centre, Maidenhead


Past President Sally was delighted to have the opportunity to hand over a cheque for £3100 to the WRVS York Centre in  Maidenhead.  This was the culmination of Sally’s year as President when she undertook to fundraise for the local York Centre which provides a range of facilities for the residents of Maidenhead including yoga, a cafe and various day centre activities.  The centre has been updating its facilities recently and it is hoped that this donation will help in the ongoing renovation of the building which was opened by Sally’s grandmother.

New member talks about Honour Killing

New member talks about Honour Killing


Last Wednesday was a busy evening for Rani Bikhu – not only did she become a member of SI Slough Windsor and Maidenhead but she was also the speaker.  Rani and her daughter gave an interesting talk with an accompanying video about various issues relating to the preference for boy children and some of the problems that ensue for families. Regional President Johanna Raffan also visited the club and enjoyed dinner with President Penny.

Annual Garden Party a success in the showers

Annual Garden Party a success in the showers


As always members and guests thoroughly enjoyed the delicious array of salads and puddings created by Angela at the Annual Garden Party.  Over 60 attended and enjoyed the surroundings in the riverside garden.  The tombola and book stalls did a good trade and the raffle helped add to the profits.  Over £600 was raised by the event which was attended by Regional President Johanna Ruffel.

Speaker inspires with talk on Everest

Speaker inspires with talk on Everest


Ian Woodall recreated his various climbs to the summit of Everest by both the South Face and the more difficult North Face.  His monologue interspersed with images and soundtrack was quite remarkable in the way it covered the high points and the setbacks of his various expeditions.  He lead the first South African team to the summit where President Mandela phoned him to offer congratulations but also had to deal with the loss of climbing friends.  He is now planning another expedition with the sole aim of laying to rest some of the bodies of climbers who have died near the summit where the extreme cold keeps them frozen.    His talk was quite remarkable and thought provoking.

Mayor of Slough attends Child Contact Centre AGM

Mayor of Slough attends Child Contact Centre AGM


SI Slough, Windsor & Maidenhead has been operating the Slough Child Contact Centre for 7 years so this year members were delighted when the incoming Mayor of Slough attended the Annual General Meeting. This is a time of change for the Contact Centre as Lea Jaycock, who has been the Co-ordinator for all seven years, is retiring and thanks were expressed for all the time and effort she has expended on the Centre.  A new process is being set up with three ‘Duty’ co-ordinators and two administrators sharing the work and this new process will start from 4th June.  The photograph shows Left to right:  Phyllis Sigsworth, Penny Dmoch (President of SI Slough, Windsor & Maidenhead, The Worshipful the Mayor of Slough, Councillor Sukhjit Dhaliwal and Evelyn Hatch, Chairman of the Management Committee of SCCC.

A busy start for President Penny

A busy start for President Penny


President Penny has been kept busy with club events during May starting on Sunday 1st with a Tea Party at the home of Anne in Ascot.  £180 was raised as members and friends enjoyed looking at the gardens and trying the delicious cakes. The Photo shows President Penny presenting flowers to Hostess Anne.  On 15th May, the club set up stall to provide tea and cakes at the Cookham Festival.  On the left the band of helpers together with some of the splendid cakes are shown. At the club meeting on Wednesday 18th May, a presentation was given by Plan International about their work.