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Sun makes it for Garden Party

Sun makes it for Garden Party


After such a lot of glorious sunshine there was a distinctly grey look to the skies on Sunday 18th July for the Annual Garden Party in Pat and David’s garden by the river.  However, by lunch time when over 70 guests arrived, the sun made its appearance and a very happy afternoon was enjoyed by everyone.  Between the tombola, raffle and book stall there were plenty of opportunities to indulge some retail therapy and the buffet lunch was a delight as always.  The event was most successful with over £800 being raised for the President’s Charity.

A special party for a special lady

A special party for a special lady


When long-standing member, Joan Cox, reached her 90th birthday, it was certainly felt that it was time for a party.  Members brought along appropriate party food together with flowers for the retired primary school headmistress at the beginning of June.  Jackie made a particularly amazing cake to celebrate.  The photographs show the cake and President Sally and Past President Judy presenting Joan with flowers and a present from the club.

An Evening of Song

An Evening of Song


Tickets have been selling well for the Evening of Song which will start the fund raising for the President’s Charity the WRVS York Centre in Maidenhead.  Eight singers will be providing music from a varied group of composers including Bizet, Gilbert & Sullivan, Irving Berlin and Andrew Lloyd Webber at the Holy Trinity Church in Windsor on Saturday 15th May at 7.30 pm.  Tickets are available at the door.

Special Mayor’s Award for Lea and the Contact Centre

Special Mayor’s Award for Lea and the Contact Centre


When Lea Jaycock attended the recent Slough Council for Voluntary Service event she got a surprise.  The outgoing Mayor of Slough presented her with a special plaque celebrating her achievement in setting up and managing the Slough Contact Centre.  Lea was delighted to receive this award but pointed out that she felt that all the volunteers who gave up their Saturday afternoons to run this centre deserved the award too.

10th Anniversary Celebration of Working Together

10th Anniversary Celebration of Working Together


Even the sun came out on Sunday 18th April when the Working Together Group celebrated ten years of helping senior citizens in Windsor and Slough to get together and enjoy themselves.  On this occasion there was a special coach trip around Windsor Great Park viewing all the monuments and gardens followed by a delicious lunch at the York Club.  This was followed by an hour of songs from the musicals provided by James Church and three singers.  Then it was time to draw the raffle and choose from a variety of cakes provided by the Soroptimists.  After a very full day, everyone was taken back to their homes after a most enjoyable day out. The working together group comprises Windsor Rotary, Windsor St George Rotary, Windsor Lions, Windsor Age Concern, Windsor Inner Wheel, and of course SI Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead. The photographs show (left)

President’s Lunch held on island in the Thames

President’s Lunch held on island in the Thames


President Judy was able to enjoy one of the final events of her year as president in the idyllic surroundings of Queen’s Eyot – a delightful island in the Thames near Bray.  60 guests enjoyed the sunshine on the lawns of the island admiring the late flowering daffodils prior to sitting down to the delicious three course lunch.  Everyone had to be ferried across to the landing stage which made for a very special occasion. Regional President Julie Blackwell replied to the toast to Soroptimist International which was proposed by Julia White who is the Visitor Manager for the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead.  Amanda Bryett responded to the toast to the Guests.  She gave a fascinating talk about the forthcoming Olympics with interesting insights into the two previous Olympics held in London in 1908 and 1948.  Following the raffle the guests all dispersed

Fairtrade sell out!

Fairtrade sell out!


Club members Estlyn Davies and Jackie Paling set up stall at Windsor Parish Church to sell Fair Trade items on Saturday 6th March.  They were so successful that most of the goodies had been sold by the time this picture was taken!!

Celebrating International Women’s Day 2010

Celebrating International Women’s Day 2010


At least 50 women from Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead met on Sunday to celebrate International Women’s Day, at the Spencer Denney Centre in Windsor at an event organised by Soroptimist International of Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead. Club President Judy Nixon welcomed members from local Women’s Institutes, Inner Wheels, Townswomen’s Guilds and the Red Hat Society, who were given a presentation by Becky Spinner, Training Manager from East Berkshire Women’s Aid. Becky spoke about domestic violence and the work of Women’s Refuges. Afterwards, everyone joined for delicious refreshments and to do a spot of networking. Attendees also donated clothing, cleaning materials and cash for the Refuges. Organiser Jackie Paling says “The event was very successful and we are definitely considering holding a similar event next year.”

Celebration for Phyllis

Celebration for Phyllis


An extra special tea party was held for Phyllis recently when she celebrated her 80th birthday.  Phyllis was a member of the Morpeth Club before moving south when she was seconded to the Home Office.  She joined our club over 25 years ago and has been a very hard working member ever since.  Over 20 members got together for a special tea party with a wonderful cake made by Jackie Paling which depicted Phyllis’ working life in the Police Force.  The afternoon ended with a toast to Phyllis and the ceremonial cutting of the cake.