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Sunny Spring Lunch rounds off President Jean’s year

Sunny Spring Lunch rounds off President Jean’s year


The sun shone for the Annual President’s Lunch on Sunday 5th April at Dorney Lake.  75 members and guests enjoyed the occasion which included a delicious three course lunch with appropriate wines.  A cheque was presented to the Chairman of the Management Committee of the Slough Children’s Contact Centre by President Jean.  The Contact Centre is organised and operated by SI Slough Windsor and Maidenhead and various fundraising events have been run throughout the year to fund the ongoing costs of running the centre.  In the event a magnificent £3,700 was raised which will help run the centre for several years.   Members from other local Soroptimist clubs attended the lunch including:  Aylesbury, Oxford, High Wycombe, Kingston, South West London and St Albans.  Regional President Laura responded to the toast to Soroptimist International and congratulated the club on its work.  The guest of honour, Roderick Watson,

Old Tyme Music Hall

Old Tyme Music Hall


The Entertainers lived up to their name at the Old Tyme Music Hall on Saturday 21st February at the Holyport Memorial Hall.  A lively audience enjoyed the music and dance and the accompanying supper of bangers and mash.   

9th Working Together Group Lunch

9th Working Together Group Lunch


Over 60 senior citizens were entertained to lunch on Sunday 8th February at the Post Graduate Centre of Wexham Park Hospital.  This was the 9th occasion when SI Slough, Windsor & Eton, Rotary Windsor St George, Rotary Windsor, Lions Club Windsor and the Windsor Inner Wheel have worked together to organise a lunch.  Age Concern Windsor organised inidivual logistics so that 60 older ladies and gentlemen were collected from their homes and driven to the Centre.  A two course lunch was served followed by a sing song, entertainment from students at Windsor Schools, bingo and a raffle.  Tea and cake was fitted in before the guests were driven back to their homes by a group of drivers representing the various participants of the Working Together Group.  The Mayor of Windsor was present to help proceedings along.  President Jean lead the group of 7 Soroptimists who

Coffee with a carribbean flavour!

Coffee with a carribbean flavour!


Cakes with a carribbean accent were part of the attraction last Thursday when a group of Soroptimists and friends got together to raise money to send more toys to their friendship link club in Grenada.  Ginger cake, chocolate cake and banana cake were on offer together with various spices, jellies and souvenirs which had been brought back from the recent visit to Grenada after the Federation Conference in Barbados last October.  Accompanying carribbean music helped the morning along.  Altogether £120 was raised to help provide children at an orphanage and a women’s refuge with toys and writing materials.

High Sheriff doffs her hat

High Sheriff doffs her hat


The January meeting of the club was well attended and included a very interesting talk by Dr Carolyn Boulter.  The High Sheriff is appointed for one year during which she has undertaken many engagements including a number of Citizenship ceremonies.  The office of sheriff originates in Saxon times – the name derives from Shire Reeve – but no longer requires the office-holder to raise an army!  It does require a splendid costume with a plumed hat which is shown in the photo of President Jean Tyler with the High Sheriff and her husband, Hugh.

Super turnout for Christmas Meeting

Super turnout for Christmas Meeting


38 members and friends got together for the Christmas meeting on Wednesday 3rd December and enjoyed a splendid three course traditional meal including crackers, turkey and, of course, mince pies. The Mayor of Windsor & Maidenhead was a very special guest.  Past club member Gill Hamilton with her husband Peter were welcome guests on a trip back to Slough from their new home in Wales. A  highlight of the evening was the induction into the club of previous member Kate McCulloch.

Club members get ready for Christmas

Club members get ready for Christmas


A party of 33 members went by coach to Winchester on Monday 1st December to visit the Christmas Market.  Luckily the weather changed overnight and the day was sunny but cold so a wander around the delightful market stalls with the occasional stop for gluwein was very pleasant.  In addition members enjoyed a tour of the cathedral with a chance of viewing the tomb of Jane Austen as well as Bishop Wykham and Saint Swithin.  The trip was greatly enjoyed and thanks are due to Jacky and President Jean for organising it.

Barbados Conference

Barbados Conference


Six members of the club attended the recent Federation Conference in Barbados.  The group very much enjoyed the opportunity of visiting the Caribbean and enjoying the local hospitality (and the rum punches)!  During the conferencer they also met up with members of the Banjul Club which is a friendship link. Four members then went on to Grenada where they were welcomed by the local club which is also a Friendship Link.  Luckily the visit coincided with the monthly meeting which they attended and then they spent a memorable day with club members visiting various projects around the island.  Grenada is also known as the Spice Island so they were able to stock up on some of the local produce too.