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Charlotte fills in the Census for us

Charlotte fills in the Census for us


Charlotte Spear joined us via Zoom for our March monthly meeting just in time to tell us all about the Census taking place on 21st March.  Charlotte discussed the various changes that are made for every census with the aim of coping with changes in the population and attitudes.  It is possible that 2021 will be last formal census as much of the data which is collected is available in other forms such as tax returns and health and educational records.  The first census in the UK was undertaken in 1801 but the records are more complete from 1851 onwards. The actual records are kept under wraps for 100 years but the data is extracted in order to provide information on where housing, schools and hospitals are most needed.  The data also provides important information regarding the age, gender and racial breakdown of the population. 

The DASH Charity keeps us up to date on Domestic Abuse

The DASH Charity keeps us up to date on Domestic Abuse


Alison Bourne, Chief Executive of the DASH Charity – Domestic Abuse Stops Here – was the speaker at our February meeting.  Alison started off with a quiz to bring alive the huge problem of domestic abuse which has only been worsened during the lockdown for the pandemic.  The police force receive telephone calls for help every 30 seconds.  Each week two women are killed by their partners – the figures are shocking.  DASH has three refuges and a programme currently online which aims to provide assistance to anyone suffering from domestic abuse.  It is a problem that cuts across class and background.  It is calculated that one in four women will be affected in their lifetime.  DASH is organising an International Women’s Day Conference on Friday 5th March on Zoom – more details on their website:  

Message from Alison Bourne of DASH

Message from Alison Bourne of DASH


Alison Bourne of DASH – Domestic Abuse Stops Here – sent the club a letter following our donation    Dear Judy Can I extend my heartfelt thanks to you and your Soroptomist colleagues who so kindly donated to us at your AGM?  It is so helpful to have support such as this; so much of our income is ‘restricted’ which means we don’t have any choice on how we spend it as it’s been granted for a specific purpose.  When we receive ‘unrestricted’ monies it gives us the freedom to provide the specific things our current clients need, whether in the community or in our refuges (we have three). Since the lockdown, we have been the busiest we have been in our 42 year history, with domestic abuse incidents increasing exponentially, so your support is more critical than ever. Please pass on our thanks to

Christmas presents for the Refuge residents and ‘Thank You’ messages

Christmas presents for the Refuge residents and ‘Thank You’ messages


Each year members support DASH (Domestic Abuse Stops Here) by providing a bag of presents for each of the residents of the local Refuges.  Often women fleeing from domestic abuse do not have the opportunity to take possessions with them so it is hoped that the items in these Christmas bags will not only be useful but will add a little bit of sparkle to their lives.  This year there are 15 bags ready to go though sadly the COVID19 pandemic has meant that there has been a considerable increase in the number of victims not just locally but worldwide.       This year Phyllis Sigsworth also handed over a cheque to DASH relating to the royalties received from her recent autobiography covering her life in the police force, ‘A Beat from the Heart to the Heart of Power’. The photos show Phyllis presenting

Zooming around the world in orange

Zooming around the world in orange


On Saturday club members linked up with their Friendship Link clubs in Amsterdam Amstel and Georgetown Tasmania in a very special three-way chat.  The meeting was held to highlight the Fight to Eliminate Violence Against Women by wearing orange.  Participants discussed the various activities that were under way to combat this scourge.  All three clubs support local Refuges and also plan to provide Christmas presents for the women currently living in a local Refuge.  Despite the difficulty of fundraising whilst in lockdown, all clubs have succeeded in raising funds for this incredibly important work.  items have been sold via ~EBay and surplus fruit has been made into jam and sold to friends and neighbours.  Club member Phyllis Sigsworth is donating the royalties on her book to DASH (Domestic Abuse Stops Here). It was splendid to be able to see our Soroptimist sisters via video and

A Bootful of aid for SHOC

A Bootful of aid for SHOC


For many years, members have donated items that are needed by our local Centre for the Homeless.  This year Slough Homeless Our Concern highlighted men’s pants and socks and razors as high on their list of priorities.  A bootful of these necessities and some other clothes were taken to their premises in Ragstone Road, Slough, last week and were gratefully received.

International Day of the Girl Child – Sunday 11 October 2020

International Day of the Girl Child – Sunday 11 October 2020


Soroptimist International is working to improve the lives of girls worldwide, the video below shows just some of the work that our members in all five Federations have been doing in this area, from Trafficking and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) to Education and improving their life opportunities. SI Slough Windsor & Maidenhead fund a student in Nepal who is now part way through her three year course to become a lawyer.  The club has committed to £4000 to enable her to live in Katmandu whilst she studies.  Of course at present she is having to study online due to  Covid19 but she is making very good progress towards fulfilling her dream.

Zoom meeting with George Town Tasmania

Zoom meeting with George Town Tasmania


Club members linked up with another Friendship Link club on Saturday 12th September.  As Tasmania is on the other side of the world the most appropriate time was 10.30 am which gave the members of SI George Town an excuse to have a glass of wine whilst our members were still on a coffee break!   Jane Zimmerman  is the middle of  the  three members  shown  – she  visited  us  about  twenty  years  ago.

Phyllis’s life story in print!

Phyllis’s life story in print!


Phyllis Sigsworth is a member of SI Slough Windsor and Maidenhead. She is very sprightly at 90 years old and has been a Soroptimist for over 50 years. She had a very distinguished career in the Police Service and was awarded the Queen’s Police Medal for distinguished Police Service. She has worked tirelessly on issues affecting women and children including domestic violence, human trafficking, and child protection, in both her working life in the Service and Soroptimist life. A book has been written covering her thirty years of service and shows social changes and changes in women’s role in law enforcement since 1950. The book is called “A Beat From The Heart To The Heart Of Power”. The proceeds from the sale of this book will be given to our local women’s refuge organisation DASH – Domestic Abuse Stops Here. The book was published on 27th August and

Meeting up with Amsterdam Amstel Club

Meeting up with Amsterdam Amstel Club


Thanks to the wonders of technology SI Slough had a delightful meeting with their Friendship Link club in Amsterdam on Wednesday 5th August.  Five members of the Amsterdam Amstel club were able to join SI Slough members to discuss a range of topics from the problems arising from the Covid19 lockdown to current club activities and hopes for the future.  All the members introduced themselves and talked about their time as Soroptimists and the various projects in which they were involved.  Interestingly both clubs are very involved with Domestic Abuse issues.  The clubs plan to meet up again via Zoom.