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Coffee morning raises funds for girl to be educated in the Philippines

Coffee morning raises funds for girl to be educated in the Philippines


A coffee morning was organised in November to raise funding for a girl living in poverty in the Philippines to receive an education.  £205 was raised which will enable a girl to not only attend school but also receive a uniform and books and also nutrition and health check up.  The aim is that children from dreadfully impoverished backgrounds will be able to be educated and ultimately be able to assist their families. The programme is organised by the Philippines Community Fund  

Fiona MacTaggart MP talks about prostitution

Fiona MacTaggart MP talks about prostitution


Slough MP Fiona MacTaggart rushed from a Vote in the House of Commons on Wednesday  night in order to have supper with members prior to giving a thoughtful and interesting talk about Prostitution.  She emphasised that it is the exploitation of women mostly when they have no other means or know of no other means of surviving.  It is a violation against women.  Fiona has been campaigning for many years and would like to see the UK adopt what is known as the Nordic Model whereby men are prosecuted for using prostitutes instead of the women being prosecuted.  She is also greatly in favour of more education on relationships being provided in schools and in particular explaining how important it is to be able to say ‘No’. Members were delighted to welcome Fiona as well as a number of visitors from other clubs who all

Quiz at Holyport is great success

Quiz at Holyport is great success


Over 100 members and guests got together on Friday 21st October to form 11 teams and battle to be champions on the night.  The Holyport Memorial Hall proved a very comfortable venue for the very competitive teams.  Despite the fiendish questions set by QuizMaster Margaret, there were quite a few sets of full marks on the various rounds which included Sport, Literature, Food & Drink and Geography.  The winning team received a bottle of wine each. Everyone was able to enjoy fish and chips in the interval which obviously stimulated brain power as there continued to be full marks in the last three rounds for several teams.  Over £500 was raised for the President’s Charities.  It is hoped to organise a similar quiz in the Spring.

Mehru Garden Project talk by Patricia Gatherum

Mehru Garden Project talk by Patricia Gatherum


Members were fascinated to hear about the new SIGBI Federation project which will help women in Malawi to set up a market garden and help their families to have a better diet and a better standard of life.  Several other Presidents from Soroptimist International visited to find out more about the project including Regional President Pauline.  Jackie is shown below with her guests.

Ring pulls into jewelry!

Ring pulls into jewelry!


At the meeting on Wednesday 22nd June, members heard about the amazing work undertaken by a small charity with only four and a half employees.  The Purple Community Fund which was previously known as the Philippine Community Fund was set up by Jane Walker MBE who discovered that a significant number of families in the Philippines eked out an existence living on a squalid rubbish tip trying to find items which could be sold to make enough money to buy basic food.  The whole family would be involved including tiny children.  Somehow Jane has managed to find ways of helping these families and even built an entire school from shipping containers which educates up to 100 children at any one time.  One of the most effective fund raisers also provides employment.  Ring pulls from drink cans are sent to Manila in batches and are turned

Cheque for Stroke Unit

Cheque for Stroke Unit


On Saturday 14th May, Past President Pamela was delighted to make a very special trip to the Stroke Unit at Wexham Park Hospital. Throughout her year in office, Pamela organised events to raise money for the Stroke Unit so she was delighted to have the opportunity to hand over a cheque for £3750 to be used to provide additional facilities for the centre.   The cheque was presented to Eleanor White Clinical Nurse Specialist – Stroke Care.  

New member joins at AGM

New member joins at AGM


The club’s year ended on a high note when President Pamela introduced a new member to the club.  Margaret Lenton was Head of Slough Grammar School until a few years ago and more recently organised the events at Runnymede associated with the 400th anniversary of the Magna Carta.  She is now looking forward to taking an active role in the club’s activities.  The photo shows President Pamela with Margaret in the centre and Jeannette Hartley on the left hand side.

Annual Lunch at The Guildhall

Annual Lunch at The Guildhall


A very special President’s lunch was held at The Guildhall in Windsor on Sunday 17th April.  In the splendid surroundings of the Council Chamber 68 members and guests were treated to a fabulous lunch with a fascinating after-lunch talk by the Military Knights of Windsor.  The photographs show Dr Marek Trelinski giving the toast to Soroptimist International, a view of the guests and the beautiful Council Chamber and President Pamela with her two special guests.