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World Vision

We heard about the work of World Vision from one of their Ambassadors, Sue Tinney.

She explained that after her husband heard about their work in a radio news bulletin he was so impressed they had to get involved.  Sue has been to visit projects in Senegal, and told stories about projects around the theme of empowering women and girls.  World Vision is a children’s charity, aiming to “put children at the heart of international development plans”.  All their work supports Sustainable Development Goal 5: gender equality.

Their projects include setting up advocacy workshops, helping to give women and children a forum for voicing their concerns, and providing information about human rights and responsibilities.  They sponsor women’s groups, such as a financial cooperative among market traders in Senegal, and another making papaya jam and fruit juice for sale.  In Bangladesh a ‘Men Care’ project has been set up to ensure husbands better understand their impact on their wives’ and children’s lives.  The charity is working in 100 countries throughout the third world.