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A fun evening of curry and skittles

Eighteen women, club members and friends and several Southampton members, enjoyed an evening of curry followed by a novel singles skittles contest at Southwick Park Golf Club. The worthy winner was Pam Grosvenor while the wooden spoon went to Rosalinda Hardiman. The event, something of an annual occasion, was ably organised by social secretary Stella Astbury. Tracy Gardiner performed her usual sterling role as MC and Maureen Hine kept the scores while Pat Caulton and Rosemary Bell worked hard putting up all the skittles – again and again. A raffle organised by Kathleen Durning raised £44 which will go to the club’s charity fund.

Winner Pam Grosvenor, right, receives her prize from MC Tracy Gardiner
Winner Pam Grosvenor, right, receives her prize from MC Tracy Gardiner