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When ‘tame’ director Joyce bristled – with attitude!

Joyce Boorman, centre, with acting president Stella Astbury, left, and Tracy Gardiner
Joyce Boorman, centre, with acting president Stella Astbury, left, and Tracy Gardiner

The title reflects the conversation when club member Tracy Gardiner invited former Regional President Joyce Boorman to visit the club – when Tracy suggested she was a “tame” Federation Director, Joyce bristled and claimed she had “attitude”!

Joyce gave a brief introduction to herself and her position as a Director without Portfolio, and then presented the slides on the SIGBI Strategic Plan – Vision 2021.  Some members had already heard this at the regional meeting, where Finance Director Judith Lewis had spoken about it, but it was worth repeating to the whole club.  The presentation laid out the vision for our organisation’s 100th birthday in 2021.

One of the aims is to increase our membership, and the club is looking forward to receiving three members from Chichester club and inducting a new member at the next business meeting. There were questions about Associate Membership, and there are apparently 29 so far (against a target of 100).  There was also a lively debate about Programme Focus Report Forms, and the complications of having all the information to hand when you can’t print the form from the website.  Joyce has since provided an answer to part of this question, with a template now available to download and print, and Federation are considering the option to save the forms.