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Keeping up the tradition of care

MEMBERS heard all about the history of the Fareham Community Hospital at the Coldeast site from Chairman of the Friends, Jill Sadler, shown in the picture flanked by club members Kathleen Durning and Rosemary Coward.

Jill started with the history of the site, which had been a country seat during the 19th century for the Montefiore family. Second son Claude hadn’t expected to inherit, but funded a parish nurse, and ultimately donated the land to the council for housing those with mental disabilities. It had a farm, a shop, a school, social club, chapel etc. so made the place a self-sufficient community. It became part of the tradition of care, in the local community, maintained at the Coldeast site all the way through to the 1970s (when the previous hospital was closed).

The new hospital, which won a new build award from Fareham History Society, is part of a semi-circle with four “arms” for the various outpatient departments. The foyer is open and spacious, and it’s one of the few hospitals with no problems car parking! The award was for the green credentials, with an underground boiler house, good insulation and lighting only on demand. It is hoped that Phase 2 of the building may later be added, to provide wards and a birthing unit.

There is a heavy reliance on volunteers as there is no admin funding provided, for such as manning the desk for the phlebotomy service. The Friends started as a charity in June 2010, just before Princess Anne came to open the hospital, and gained full charitable status in Sept 2011. They mainly provide hands-on support to staff and meet and greet visitors. There are now about 38 volunteers, but all are needed to cover what they do. Any extra volunteers are welcome, with more information from their website.