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Dolly Power

Ramsbottom’s Soroptimists are harnessing ‘Dolly power’ to publicise the club’s activities and support the international Women Against Violence campaign.

Club members recently took Dolly to a regional meeting to demonstrate her work to fellow Soroptimists.

Sometimes Dolly models the club’s Santa hats. Over the years members have knitted thousands to be given to newborn and premature babies at Royal Bolton Hospital at Christmastime.

On the 25th of each month, Dolly wears her orange hat and scarf at the Soroptimists’ Orange Café.

Orange the World is a UN Women initiative. It raises awareness and encourages action to end violence against women and girls. As a bright and optimistic colour, orange represents a future free from such violence.

Dolly’s placard has the important and powerful message ‘NOT ALL VICTIMS CAN SPEAK’.

At Christmas Dolly appeared at the town’s Christmas tree festival with her own doll named Angel.

Positioned alongside the Nativity, Dolly represented the fact that not all babies are born equal. She was definitely a talking point, prompting audible gasps and comments such as “Oh no! You forget about the little ones.”

Dolly’s story developed at New Year. Scared by the bangs of the fireworks she was crying – but Mummy didn’t hear as she was lying on the floor and not moving. Mummy’s new friend shouted at Dolly telling her to stop crying – and then hit her.

How will Dolly’s story continue?