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Regional Rose Bowl Challenge

2024 Challenge

Region President Pam is linking this year’s challenge to her theme ‘Rise Up and Roar’.

Clubs are invited to describe how they have, indeed, risen up and roared. Community action? What Soroptimists stand for? Publicity initiatives? No holds barred!

Closing date 14th August. Entries by email direct to Region President Pam (address from your Club Secretary or Region Rep.) The award will be presented at the Region AGM on 14th September.


2023 Challenge : A message from Immediate Past Region President Denise

The theme for my year was ‘Little Things make Big Difference‘ – so that was my theme for the Rose Bowl Challenge too.

I asked clubs to be as imaginative and creative as they wished – but no need to go into a lot of detail. A poster, a picture, a video clip – anything simple to illustrate what your club had done over the past year.

SI Crosby President Jill Boggan (centre) with judge Patricia Mercer and Region President Denise Parker

I asked you to celebrate – and show – how little things really do have an impact. This could be a difference to the club, your community, individuals, a charity – or whatever. Small actions or steps gather pace!

And the winner, announced at our new members and awards lunch, … SI Crosby. Read their submission SI Crosby ‘little things’ 2023 region challenge
