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SI Southern England: Supporting the Southampton Half Marathon

The members of SI Southern England turned out in force to support the Southampton Half Marathon and related events on 24th April.

Our banner!
Our banner!

Preparations had already begun the previous day, but nevertheless we got up at an impossibly early hour (for a Sunday!) in order to meet at 8am at Costa in Bargate.  It was a VERY cold morning! Thank goodness for coffee!

Warming up with coffee!
Warming up with coffee!

Regional President Ruth’s planning was impeccable.

Regional President Ruth briefing us

Then we were off to decorate the mile we had been assigned.  We were lucky to be stationed along the High Street, close to coffee and loos!

We had lots of balloons, including some in the shape of our dynamic S.


SI Bournemouth & SI Poole decorated a bike, having asked permission from the owner!
SI Bournemouth & SI Poole decorated a bike, having asked permission from the owner!


Competing with the poster girl!
Competing with the poster girl!


Here come the runners!

Entering the Soroptimist mile!  Uphill!
Entering the Soroptimist mile! Uphill!

Our banner is clearly in view but will the runners see it?  Will they ask ‘Why are you a Soroptimist?’

Making us visible


All too soon, the races were over – but the stand stayed up till mid-afternoon!

SI SE stand
Our stand attracted a lot of attention

It was all great fun – and, who knows, we might get some new members!  We hope so!