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Salisbury Satellite’s First PAC Project

Painting a Brighter Future for Local Refuge Residents:

Local women setting up a new Soroptimist Cub in Salisbury got stuck in to their first project this week. Following in the footsteps of the previous Club in Salisbury, they have decided to provide support and assistance for the Salisbury Women’s Refuge. Answering a call for help from staff for some aid with painting and redecorating, they gave up their time and effort to make a difference.

Holly and Bridie

‘Our aim is to give something back to the local community’, said Holly Hemsley, who initiated the volunteering ‘so this service project is in keeping with the organisation’s aim of transforming the lives of women and girls. It is great to be able to help in a really practical way to brighten the lives of women going through difficult and challenging times.’

The original Salisbury Soroptimist Club which closed about nine years ago, had been a driving force in helping to secure accommodation for the local Refuge and in supporting its residents and staff. The charity, which provides accommodation and support for women and children fleeing domestic abuse and often violent environments, was a natural choice for the members of the new Club to support.

refuge decorators

Members are also working on projects to provide mentoring, career support, mock interviews and CV advice for women and girls and lobbying on issues affecting women in the criminal justice system. Members are looking more broadly internationally at supporting women and street children in Nepal, through the International President’s appeal and links to the charity Our Sansar which works in Nepal.

The group is meeting monthly at the Chapter House, St John’s Street Salisbury. The next meeting is on Monday 20 June at 7.30pm. Any woman interested in attending is welcome, to find out more visit or e mail