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Team work to help Nepal!


Winchester outfits2For some time now, SI Poole has been ‘Knitting for Nepal’ and, with help from SI Bournemouth, we have so far sent 165 baby hats and two baby blankets to SI Kathmandu.

At the June SI Southern England Regional Meeting, SI Winchester brought along 35 baby hat and pullover sets, as their contribution to the ‘Knitting for Nepal’ project.  They are shown in the photo, packed securely in a cardboard box, ready to be posted to SI Kathmandu.


It costs £20 to send two kilos of goods to Nepal, and the parcels arrive in about a week.  SI Poole send one parcel a month.  The cost of the postage for the parcel we sent today was donated by SI Bournemouth.  The cost of sending previous parcels has been provided by generous donors.  Might you or your Club be willing to make a donation?  If so, please contact Sue Fortescue, Programme Action Officer, SI Poole.  Contact info is in the Members’ Area.