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Why am I a Soroptimist?

Why am I a Soroptimist?

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At least part of the reason why I am a Soroptimist can be found in the infographic from the SIGBI website (click on ‘Continued’ to view).  We are a dynamic, international group of women, making a real difference to the lives of women and girls everywhere!  During Membership Month let’s spread the news! Click on the infographic image to enlarge it:   More info:  

Celia Veal, SI Gosport, Fareham & District, receives Maundy money from the Queen

Celia Veal, SI Gosport, Fareham & District, receives Maundy money from the Queen

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Celia Veal, a member of SI Gosport, Fareham & District, has dedicated her life to the community and has now had the special honour of being presented with Maundy money by the Queen at Windsor Castle. By coincidence, the day was extra poignant as it was Celia’s 54th wedding anniversary to her late husband Gordon Veal, who died at the age of 83 a year ago. Celia said: ‘My sovereign said over the airwaves that she would serve us all for as long as she lived. My life has been about giving just like she has.’ Celia, who is a matron to the choristers at Portsmouth Anglican Cathedral, was recommended for the honour by the diocese of Portsmouth.  She is also crucifer at St Ann’s Church in Portsmouth naval base and a member of the League of Friends at St Mary’s Hospital. Celia added: ‘I’ve always

Remembering Vida

Remembering Vida


Liz Batten writes: “I was so sorry to hear of the recent tragic death on Good Friday of Vida Alford, who was the last President of SI Salisbury before it closed some eight years ago. Vida, who was in her eighties, was killed in a car accident in mid Wales in a collision with another car. Her daughter in law Gillian was killed in the same accident and her son was injured. The driver and passenger of the other car, a women driving her young grandson, were also both killed. Some members of the region will recall Vida, I had not met her, but I had quite recently spoken to her on the phone on a couple of occasions to talk to her about the plans to establish a new club in Salisbury. She had been delighted to hear of our plans and wished us




We knew that we had set ourselves something of a challenge when Region decided to launch the VIP (Volunteering in Pretoria) project. Finding the most suitable candidate to support women and children in the Gauteng Province of South Africa in a voluntary capacity was never going to be easy. Firstly, we had to overcome the obstacle of Soroptimist International being a ‘very well kept secret’! You can imagine the puzzled expressions and the comments – “Who are these people who want to send our daughter to foreign parts?” Also, VIP is a new initiative with no history and no available feedback from previous volunteers. How do you attract enthusiastic applicants to such a scheme? How do you persuade colleges and universities to promote the project, instead of pressing the ‘delete’ button? But then Mia came along. She is a student at Godalming College and will

SI Southern England: Supporting the Southampton Half Marathon

SI Southern England: Supporting the Southampton Half Marathon

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The members of SI Southern England turned out in force to support the Southampton Half Marathon and related events on 24th April. Preparations had already begun the previous day, but nevertheless we got up at an impossibly early hour (for a Sunday!) in order to meet at 8am at Costa in Bargate.  It was a VERY cold morning! Thank goodness for coffee! Regional President Ruth’s planning was impeccable. Then we were off to decorate the mile we had been assigned.  We were lucky to be stationed along the High Street, close to coffee and loos! We had lots of balloons, including some in the shape of our dynamic S.       Here come the runners! Our banner is clearly in view but will the runners see it?  Will they ask ‘Why are you a Soroptimist?’   All too soon, the races were over –

My Time for Young Carers

My Time for Young Carers


Epsom Soroptimists are really proud of the part they have played in the setting up of My Time for Young Carers. They have been central to the management of the project from the very beginning and members have given practical support that has enabled the charity to grow. It could be said that young carers are the invisible children in our community.   When people are asked if they know any young carers, their faces go blank. Even professionals are likely to miss indicators that suggest that the home situations of the youngsters that they know or support are causing them stress or hardship. So many people think that young carers are only labelled as such if they carry out personal care for parents or siblings or take on an unusually large proportion of household chores. Although this is sadly the case for far too many

Tea & Temptations!

Tea & Temptations!

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SI Weybridge & Woking are holding a tea party and fashion show on Saturday 14th May to raise funds for the Meru Women’s Garden Project in Kenya, providing income opportunities for women in Kenya.  The event will be held at Ripley Village Hall, High Street, Ripley GU23 6AF. Please support this very worthwhile project! click to download poster: Tea and Temptations Poster