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Hygiene Bank

Hygiene Bank


In November SI Tamworth presented Tamworth Hygiene Bank with the items they had collected over the last couple of months. Marie Ballard, Project Co-ordinator said “Thank you so much for your very generous donation which weighed in at 32kgs! We’re midway through getting a pack of toiletries out to each school for Christmas so it’s already been distributed!”

Orange the World

Orange the World


November is the month when Soroptimists support UNiTE ‘s campaign to end violence against women and girls. Our support started earlier in the year when we met up with friends and family to light a beacon. On the 25th November Tamworth Soroptimists and family braved the cold to see Tamworth Castle bathed in Orange light to signify the first day of 16 of activism to raise awareness of violence against women. Information and advice posters linked to the event were also displayed in a wide range of venues across the town. The colour orange is used because it symbolises a brighter future, free of violence.

Autumn Speakers

Autumn Speakers


Autumn 2023 was a busy time for Tamworth Soroptimists. Hannah Mann gave a most thought provoking talk about generative AI at our September dinner meeting. Hannah, daughter of our member Barbara and founder of Day One Strategy, took us on an informative journey through the pros and cons of Generative AI, a new subject to many! At our October dinner meeting two Tamworth Soroptimists talked about their lives and achievements. Members said “What a lovely dinner meeting and our two excellent speakers Ally Allerson and Debbie Brayshaw were the icing on the cake.” Another member said “our members are a real chocolate box of treasures as we heard and saw. Bravo to Ally and Debbie.” 180 years after her first visit, Queen Victoria, AKA Gwyneth Brown, made an appearance at our November dinner meeting. She told us stories about her life as Queen Victoria trying

Dublin Conference

Dublin Conference


Some of our members made it to Dublin for the Soroptimist International Convention. Pictured are (L-R – President Vicky Vernon; President Elect Ally Allerson and members Debbie Brayshaw and Chris Arrowsmith) with our poster promoting our work with Tamworth Community Together. Every Friday, since 2021, Tamworth Soroptimists give service to the ‘Befriending Phoneline’. During the Covid restrictions a phoneline was set up by Tamworth Community Together to help people, mainly to answer queries about food banks. As people returned to work this service was on the verge of closing, but the service had also identified many lonely and vulnerable people in our town. Tamworth Soroptimists came to the rescue. Initial training was given and we now call weekly 50-60 residents in need.

75th Charter Lunch

75th Charter Lunch


Sunday 11th June saw President Victoria Vernon and members of Soroptimist International of Tamworth celebrate the 75th Anniversary of our Club charter. We were joined by family and friends, Tamworth Mayor, Councillor John Harper, Regional President Lyn Shiel and members of other Soroptimist International Clubs within the Midland Chase Region, as well as various local service organisations.   Soroptimist International of Tamworth was formed in March 1948. Since our inauguration we have supported many local, national and international charities, organisations and projects. During the last Presidential year members have recycled items for various charities, helped provide nursery fees for an Afghan child, donated over two hundred books to Amington Heath Primary School for children to take home and given a cash donation for their school library, collected items for the Tamworth Foodbank and Tamworth Hygiene Bank and continued to support Tamworth Community Together by undertaking

South Africa lunch

South Africa lunch


The sun shone for our South African themed garden party. A huge well done and thanks to our host, Madam President Vicky for your hospitality. We raised a whopping £680 for our chosen charity Love the one.           Love the One, itself as a concept, exists to stand alongside poor, abused, orphaned, exploited and marginalised children in India. One child at a time. Their work began in 2007, and since then they have evolved into a charity that is passionate about child-centred development. Children represent the future and are often the starting point for breaking intergenerational cycles of poverty, abuse and discrimination. Their vision is simple, they want to be part of creating a world where children’s rights are not just documented in a charter but are realised in practical ways to allow freedom for every child to reach their full

February events

February events


In February members collected 157 items for the Tamworth Foodbank ( )           The speaker at our February Dinner meeting was Amanda Bailey. Amanda is the Home-Start Tamworth Support and Visiting Officer. She gave members a valuable insight into the progress made by Home-Start since the return to normality after COVID. She also shared details of what a typical day involves for her and the many volunteers that help families with young children. For more information about the work of Tamworth Home-Start please visit their website:-    

Human Rights Lunch

Human Rights Lunch


We are delighted to report that Tamworth Soroptimists had a super Human Rights Lunch at the WI Hall in Drayton Bassett, and we have put together a collages of the photos taken to share with you. Thank you to everyone involved – Maureen and the International Committee for organising and every one that made the delicious soups, put together the cheese, rolls and cake, and provided the tea and coffee. Thanks to the efficient waitresses and the team in the kitchen! Thank you to everyone that provided a raffle prize AND a special thank you to all who came to support us. We raised the sum of £265 as our contribution to the International President’s Appeal, Opening Doors to a Brighter Future.     

Tamworth Hygiene Bank

Tamworth Hygiene Bank


During our Christmas party members presented Marie Ballard, Tamworth Hygiene Bank with three boxes of toiletries and hygiene products.         Some items were distributed immediately and other items went into school packs.