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Orange the World

Orange the World


Members of SI Tamworth are Oranging the World and saying NO! to violence against women in 2022. We marked the start of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign, by wearing something orange to our November dinner meeting. The 25th November marks the UN International Day of the Elimination of Violence against Women, and the start of 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence which ends on 10th December (Human Rights Day). The colour orange symbolises a brighter future in a world free from violence against women. On our Facebook page – members of SI Tamworth joined other Soroptimists across the world taking action and calling for the Elimination of Violence against Women. We also decorated a tree at St Editha’s church as part of the Christmas tree festival. We would like to thank St Editha’s Church, Tamworth for supporting us and keeping

Odd Socks Day

Odd Socks Day


To mark the start of anti-bullying week on 14th November, members of Soroptimist International Tamworth wore odd socks. Odd Socks Day is a national event all about celebrating what makes someone unique. People are encouraged to wear their favourite odd socks to symbolise that we are all different and that children should be themselves, accepting of one another and celebrate difference. Anti-Bullying Week is a a campaign by the Anti-Bullying Alliance ( ).

Coffee morning for our Ugandan Education Bursary

Coffee morning for our Ugandan Education Bursary


The 21st of September is the International Day of Peace but as the country was in mourning for Queen Elizabeth II members of SI Tamworth commemorated the day with a coffee morning in October. Everyone who attended enjoyed the event and especially the cakes.       A total of £150 was raised for our Ugandan Education Bursary which is one of SI Tamworths International projects.       This project has been ongoing since 2003 when it started with providing termite proof cupboards for books to be kept in. It then continued to educating four girls and a boy through to the end of their senior school education and then supporting the building of a school and the running of it. We also provide sanitary protection for the children so that they can continue to come to school as well as a small boarding

Peace Patch

Peace Patch


Eight members of Soroptimist International Tamworth attended the Federation Conference in Belfast. Club member Lyn Shiel came in as Regional President 2022 – 2023 for Midland Chase. Accompanying them was a Peace patch. This was made by Club member Susan Powell in response to the email from SI San Fernando (Trinidad and Tobago) to help them celebrate their 60th anniversary of charter. Their theme being ‘Celebrating the Past, Pursuing a Peaceful Future for Women and Girls’.     The centre of our patch has the peace dove. The left hand side shows five of the last six Soroptimist International biannual projects SI Tamworth have participated in. The six project is shown on the bottom. The right hand side has a quote from Albert Einstein:- “Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding”.

Breast Cancer stall

Breast Cancer stall


October is Breast Cancer awareness month and people all over the world show their support for everyone affected by breast cancer. SI Tamworth promoted the month by having an tombola stall to raise funds for Breast Cancer UK ( ) and to provide members of the public with leaflets about breast care. The Club would like to thank Ankerside Shopping Centre,Tamworth for allowing us to have a stall and everyone who generously donated on the day. We raised £200.

Charter Lunch

Charter Lunch


Sunday 26th June saw President Linda Hayes and members of Soroptimist International of Tamworth celebrate the 74th Anniversary of the Club charter with a Royal Jubilee Afternoon Tea at Drayton Manor.   They were joined by family and friends, Regional President Judith and members of other Soroptimist International Clubs within the Midland Chase Region, as well as various local service organisations.         All were royally entertained by the comments and recollections of Councillor Richard Kingstone, as their Special Speaker.

Beekeeping Speaker

Beekeeping Speaker


To celebrate World Environment Day members of SI Tamworth heard an informative and passionate talk from amateur Beekeeper Jason Daniels. Jason has only been keeping bees for three years and he spoke about the trials and tribulations of starting out in beekeeping. Members learnt that as well as honey bees there are around 24 species of bumblebee and over 240 species of solitary bee in the UK. Jason’s bees are honey bees. Honey bees drink water like other animals, but they also use it for other purposes. They need water all year so it is good practice to create a bee watering station in your garden. Members also learnt that bees can see the colour purple more clearly than any other colour, so having purple flowers in your garden, such as lavender and alliums will attract bees. Tubular-shaped flowers such as foxgloves and honeysuckle also

International Night

International Night


Members of SI Tamworth and guests had a very enjoyable International evening. The significance of the International Evening is a culmination of our year’s work in raising awareness of issues affecting women and girls locally, nationally and Internationally and also to distribute monies raised to the various charities and causes that we have supported during 2021 – 2022. This has been an unusual year as we have come out of the worldwide pandemic but we have continued to support our various causes and a number of the recipients were present at the evening. President Linda warmly welcomed Christine Harris from Tamworth Wellbeing Cancer Support Centre ( ) who is a representative of the charity Madam President chose to support throughout her year. An International charity members have supported for a number of years is Love the One. This was set up in India by