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Club meeting 20 February 2024 – speaker Donna Stimson: Upcycling and the Environment

Dorothy introduced Donna, whom she has heard speak on a number of occasions about the environment.
Donna had worked with Soroptimists in South Africa, so is familiar with the aims of the organisation. Her
background is in anthropology, psychology and economics.

She had produced a diagram showing how the UN Sustainable Development Goals are all interlinked, the majority falling within the remit of health and wellbeing.   She has set up a hub at the Nicholson Centre, to encourage people to try a variety of crafts, repurposing items which would otherwise be thrown away.   A number of these items were passed round – an insect hotel made from a juice carton, pin holders stuffed with crushed walnut shells and/or sand which sharpens the pins, a collage made from fabric scraps.   Sponsors from the business world provide a variety of materials, such as pallets which are turned into planters for hard standing and balconies.

Asked what is needed, Donna listed embroidery silk, zips, buttons, fabric, books of fabric samples, and volunteers.   She encourages volunteers to come along and try out some of the crafts, and bring new ideas.   As well as teaching sustainable skills at the Nicholson Centre, she also teaches skills online.

Sushi thanked Donna for her interesting presentation and her enthusiasm.