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2016 IN SUPPORT OF FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT – sit down for breakfast, stand up for farmers!

Members of the Torquay & District Soroptimist International in support of Fairtrade Fortnight 2016, watched a Fairtrade Matters DVD which highlight the severe lack of food security faced by farmers around the world.  Their Big Fairtrade Breakfast was served (although later in the day) at the recent Speaker Meeting, to support the farmers who grow some of the breakfast staples, such as coffee, tea, cocoa and bananas.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day yet millions of farmers and workers in developing countries don’t earn enough to know where their next meal is coming from.

About 795 million people are undernourished globally, and half of the world’s hungry people, nearly 400 million, are estimated to live on small farms, despite them working hard to grow the food we eat every day. [i]

Cheryl Rider from the Torquay & District group said: “Fairtrade means many producers and workers are able to do what we take for granted – put enough food on the table for themselves and the people they care about, all year round. We have been supporting Fairtrade for several years and have learnt what difference it makes for world’s most vulnerable communities by making farming viable and generating vital economic benefits.

Fairtrade Fortnight is a two-week campaign aiming to get shoppers, campaigners and businesses in the UK talking, thinking about and buying Fairtrade, members of the group donated a variety of Fairtrade products which were distributed amongst themselves at the meeting.

For more information on becoming a Soroptimist please email the group

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