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2016 Calling all knitters

Calling all knitters – help us knit Twiddlemuffs for people suffering from Dementia

Members of the Torquay & District Soroptimist International are putting their knitting needles to good use knitting Twiddlemuffs for patients with dementia, and they are looking for more knitters to join them.

Twiddlemuffs are double thickness knitted woollen hand muffs with items such as ribbons, large buttons or textured fabrics attached that patients with dementia can twiddle in their hands.  People with dementia often have restless hands and like something to keep them occupied. The Twiddlemuffs provide a source of visual, tactile and sensory stimulation at the same time as keeping hands snug and warm.
“We are hoping that volunteers, will come forward to put their knitting skills to good use and make more Twiddlemuffs. They are an excellent way of helping to combat the restlessness and agitation that may be experienced by patients with dementia.”

More information available from Cheryl Rider  email :

TWIDDLEMUFFSHow to make one:

Materials needed:

  • A selection of leftover and odd balls of wool.
  • Needles: 8mm circular or 6.5mm straight needles


Cast on 45 stitches using 2 strands of double knitting wool or 1 strand of chunky wool (one plain colour works best). Work in stocking stitch (knit a row, purl a row)
for 11 inches.

Muff Body:
Continue with stocking stitch, but use up oddments of various textures of wool such as chunky, mohair, ribbon etc until the work measures 23 inches (two strands of double knit for two rows each gives a lovely assortment of colours). Cast off.

If working with straight needles, lightly iron the long strip, then neatly join the sides together using edge to edge stitch (with the knit side facing out). Turn inside out and push the one colour cuff up inside the muff body. Sew the two ends together, again using a neat edge to edge stitch.

Now you can decorate the muff, inside and out, with ribbons, beads, flowers, zips, loops, pompoms, buttons, etc. Knit a separate pocket for a favourite photo or a hanky. Be creative, but make sure each item is securely attached!