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2016 Be a Star, Bake a Cake

To help save lives during Bowel Cancer Awareness Month in April

 Torquay & District Soroptimist International organised a coffee morning with their family, friends & colleagues as part of the Be a Star, Bake a Cake campaign to raise funds for Bowel Cancer UK during Bowel Cancer Awareness Month in April.

The Coffee morning took place at Rosegarth on Wednesday 13th April to raise awareness of bowel cancer because several club members have experienced the disease and  want more people to be aware of the symptoms or take part in bowel cancer screening.  Torquay Soroptimists are pleased to be able to donate £273.75 to Bowel Cancer UK.

The campaign had already garnered high profile, celebrity chef support, including Gennaro Contaldo, widely known as the Italian legend who taught Jamie Oliver all he knows about Italian cooking, who said: “Go on, Be a Star, Bake a Cake and support Bowel Cancer UK this April during Bowel Cancer Awareness Month!”

More support has been given by Tom Aikens, one of the UK’s most acclaimed and inspirational British chefs, who said: “I’m supporting Bowel Cancer UK’s Be a Star, Bake a Cake campaign as I’d like to help raise funds to stop bowel cancer – it’s the UK’s second biggest cancer killer but it shouldn’t be.”

Steph Crack, Community Fundraising Manager for Bowel Cancer UK, said: “We’re incredibly grateful to the Torquay & District Soroptimist International for organising this event.

Bowel cancer is the second biggest cancer killer in the UK, with over 16,000 people dying every year.  That’s one person every 30 minutes. However bowel cancer is preventable, treatable and curable especially if diagnosed early.

Visit Bowel Cancer UK’s website for more details


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