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2016 It’s a great life

Gaynor waved her magic wand and a cake and scones appeared on the table. Now the Speaker Meeting could begin! We had invited Samantha Marshall to Rosegarth to give us a talk.

Samantha is a Network Marketing Professional for the South West.

Network Develop Succeed — that is her motto. Her talk was informative and fun. She spoke of her personal journey through the business world and some of her private life. Her main points were – don’t let others dictate your life, be in control and trust your own choices. She demonstrated how positivity had influenced her life. If a door closed for Samantha she looked for another to open. Some ladies were inspired and some of us were exhausted by her work ethic and achievements! Samantha’s background is in training and coaching and she loves to help people. It was a reminder to believe that the glass is half full and to pass on this feeling to others.  Her website is well worth a visit.

In lieu of a fee Samantha asked if we would make a donation to Rowcroft Hospice in Torquay.

Members of the Torquay Soroptimists were happy to donate £40 from club funds plus £60 raised from the raffle and refreshments.

Linda Churchward