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2016 Regional Meeting – It only takes a minute!

P1060566 copy (2)Our one-minute presentation on latest recruitment.

We held our membership evening at our speaker meeting in May.

In preparation for this event members were asked to bring a guest to find out what Soroptimist’s are and do.

Members wore their t-shirts, polo shirts, sweat shirts & scarves on the evening along with ‘Ask me why I’m a Soroptimist’ badges.

Everyone was ready & waiting at Rosegarth by 7pm, guests arrived promptly, information boards and our latest projects were on display, our meeting room which was packed, looked a picture.

Our very important reliable team of caterers were in place.

P1060560 (3)Copies of the Soroptimist news and information had been put on each chair for invited guests to take home.

Each of our members participated and recalled what we had done over the past year.

A lot of hard work had been put into this event to make it a success, a new member was inaugurated on the night and our latest recruit will be inaugurated at our next business meeting. Whether we get any more new members remains to be seen but it won’t be through lack of trying!

As usual our food was superb!