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2017 Torquay Soroptimists learn how to become Purple Angel Ambassadors

We invited Norman McNamara to lunch at Rosegarth but first of all he had to give us a talk! We were keen to know about the idea of becoming Purple Angel Ambassadors. He gave an overview of the beginnings of the Torbay Dementia Action Alliance and how things have developed worldwide, far beyond anyone’s original vision. His idea of Dementia Friendly Communities and Purple Angel Memory Cafés has been taken on in forty two countries. There are over six hundred ambassadors so far, each with their own teams. Ambassadors don’t need robes and regalia just a willingness to help make a difference to the lives of those with dementia and also to their carers. Sometimes it might be enough to sit and listen. Norman was messaged on Facebook recently; from America! A lady with dementia was agitated and in need of help. Norman put out a message to the ambassadors in the area and in a short while all was well again. We need understanding, patience, and a willingness to bring people with dementia into the fold. They have an equal right to be part of the community.

We held a raffle after lunch and Norman informed us that he was on a sponsored diet and is hoping to raise £1000 for Purple Angel Ponies (He had a very healthy meal.)

January 2017 purple angel ponies 16114244_1630428813920432_4187488235804201371_nHe left sponsorship forms and information leaflets to help with understanding dementia. He also left us feeling uplifted and ready for new challenges. Soon we’ll find out how many Torquay ladies will become ambassadors.

January 2017 purple angel WP_20170131_13_45_43_ProWe presented Elaine – Norman’s Angel – with a bouquet and we sent Norman away with eight Twiddlemuffs for his next two meetings, three blankets for the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital Dementia Ward and fifty three pounds towards his sponsored diet challenge.

Linda Churchward

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