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2016 Soroptimists spread a little happiness – again!

Generation of Hope

Members from SI Brixham and other guests visited SI Torquay & District to listen to Liz and Barney Bettesworth who were invited to Rosegarth to give a talk and a film show. They came as representatives of Mary’s Meals, an organisation that aims to provide the world’s poorest children with a daily meal.

A group of happy ladies gathered in the warm meeting room with the promise of delicious food to come – what a stark contrast to the presentation we were faced with! There was no escape from the abject poverty there before us on the screen.

Every school day Mary’s Meals provide more than one million children across 13 countries with a meal in their place of education. On average, it costs just £12.20 to feed a child with Mary’s Meals for a whole year.  The meals are made using local produce and volunteers from the community join together to make things happen.  Funding from donors and fundraisers provides training, equipment and food for those who cook for the children.  It is a fact that 93p out of every £1 is actually spent on the charitable activities.

The film showed an honest, warm, natural approach to all the problems encountered.  It was emotional to see the absolute misery but there was also such hope. We saw dancing cooks and lively children. A meal in school has a wonderful knock-on effect. The chance for a full tummy leads to good attendance and an education can lead to a much better future for the children and the wider community.

We all paid for our supper and we held a raffle to support World Porridge Day – every prize had a connection with porridge or oats.  At the end of a lovely evening our ladies had raised enough money to feed twenty children for a year!  That feels good.

Gill Raffle

Torquay ladies are continuing with their support of the Backpack Project. This project is the perfect complement to Mary’s Meals. The children have full tummies, they are ready and willing to attend school and then they receive the only present some of them will ever have – their own backpack full of goodies to support their learning.  We send a variety of small educational and hygiene articles, plus clothing.  There are great pictures on Mary’s Meals website showing the reaction of children receiving their gifts.  There you will find a list of items to help with your donations – In 2015 UK supporters donated 49,384 filled backpacks.

If anyone would like to join in and donate useful items for the children please contact us –  We are also on Facebook.  Many thanks.

Linda Churchward
