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It’s not a ‘Clothes Swop’ – it’s a ‘Fairly priced Shop’ Making clothes – TRAFFIK FREE

Our ‘FAIRLY PRICED SHOP’ raised £144 and more to come as we intend to sell the remaining items on ebay. 50% to ‘Stop the Traffik’ and 50% to club funds.

Meet Gloria, kindly loaned by NTDF (North Tyneside Disability Forum. We dropped off two huge bags of clothes and one of shoes and hope to give more later. Remaining clothes and shoes to be sold on ebay.
Setting up or getting second dibs?
Clothes Swop as suggested by ‘Stop the Traffik’ following on from our Global Blanket to raise awareness of traffiked women.
Shoe Shop
Beautiful but painful!
Enter our ‘changing room’ area with mirror, chair and a little bit of privacy.
.Accessories anyone?
