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Wakefield member hosts regional conference

The Yorkshire Region conference held on 1 July was attended by two of our members and was hosted by Judith Alce from our Club.IMG_4610

The Very Rev Dr Frances Ward led discussions on the Roots, Shoots and Fruits of Soroptimist International. We used the grape vine as an example of the role played by the Roots – the foundation of our Organisation, the Shoots which require nurturing and the Fruits which celebrate the successes we achieve. At our last session we discussed the future of Soroptimism and the direction we would like to take in Yorkshire. The one aspect which was chosen as a Fruit by everyone was that we should all co-operate in a project in our region which would run for several years.

A Grant of Friendship delegate, Natalia Kurhaluk (on the far right of the photo) gave a presentation about one of the projects carried out by her Polish Club which centred on the elderly and their health and well-being. We were very impressed by her command of English which was amazing.