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Soroptimism links

International Soroptimism

Soroptimist International (SI)
Soroptimist International is the world’s largest women’s service organisation and through our Consultative Status at the United Nations, we strive for equality, peace and international understanding.

UK Soroptimism

SI Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI)
The Federation of Great Britain and Ireland, comprises 365 clubs in 28 countries, including many Commonwealth states.

Soroptimist Programme Action Committee
The United Kingdom Programme Action Committee (UKPAC) provides help and guidance to Soroptimist clubs in the UK in devising, planning and carrying out their project work (known as Programme Action).

Regional Soroptimism

SI Yorkshire
There are 21 clubs in the Yorkshire region with around 450 members.

Local Soroptimism

Locally we work closely with clubs in Leeds, Selby, Garforth, and Dewsbury.