July PAC Meeting – Bins it
Another interesting, enjoyable and informative evening was held in July at Burhill School when environmental issues were the topic of this all club PAC evening. Justin Houghton the Manager of Hersham Waitrose kindly gave a very interesting presentation on the company’s ethical and environmental policies. He provided information on the success of their recycling schemes, their own version of a fair trade scheme in South African farming communities and the reduction in the use of plastic bags and packaging. Waitrose now have a local supply policy where goods are supplied directly to the stores. This covers fruit and vegetable produce in rural areas and even beer sourced locally to the Hersham store (local is defined as within 30 miles). He also mentioned that they have their own farm and a visit to the farm could be arranged for those interested.
Ismina Lane and a colleague from Elmbridge Council gave a presentation about the new waste collection arrangements in the area. In particular they covered the new food waste collection system to be introduced in the Autumn to all homes in the area. With demonstrations of the bins to be provided and helpful tips on how to avoid waste it was very informative. Ismina said the current recycle systems were working well and answered numerous questions. The members attending were particularly taken by the amazing reusable nappies they are promoting to reduce disposable nappy waste (because they aren’t disposable). They were very pleased to have the feedback provided by members and had been particularly interested in Justin’s talk so it was a successful evening for participants and presenters alike.