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Practice makes for Perfect … #WeybridgeSoroptimists walk for Women’s Health Charity on Saturday 8th October

Day -02. 6th October 2022
Target Ovarian Cancer National Walk/Run on 8th October
Over 100 people will join in and the charity hopes to raise £250,000 in a single day!
Today we #Soroptimists tested our stamina and the planned route for Weybridge & District #Soroptimists’ part of the annual Target Ovarian Cancer charity Walk/Run; it was rather nicer walking into the sunshine from Hampton Court Palace stopping at the cafe after the 10km in Bushy Park. It took 2hrs 20m with a few photo stops of the sights along water; by the end of the team walk on Saturday 8th Caroline,  Brenda, Viv, Brenda’s daughter, Pippa and Ann will have walked 65km over a week in support of #targetovariancancer. Amazing weather today, fingers crossed for the same on Saturday when we #Soroptimists set off at 10am. To date we’ve raised over £400 with gift aid contributions! Thank you everyone for the amazing support. Like to top it up…?.. share it with friends?.. you can donate just a small sum or pledge more and tick the box for gift aid if you pay tax.   
Here’s the link to the page. A solid #Soroptimistsatwork Program Action for improving women’s health worldwide  in #gynaecologicalcancerawareness month. 

By all means cheer us along the way in Hampton Court, Kingston, Teddington or join us for a ‘cuppa’ in Bushy Park at 12.30pm.Here are the wonderful sights we saw today